Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

New Moon in Gemini 🌘♊

This New Moon invites us to re-imagine everything. Gemini takes nothing for granted. They view the world with potential for change at any given moment. If something could change for you right now…if you could shift your perspective somehow or receive new information…what would that be? This is what Gemini invites.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse ♈

As a collective, can we find the courage to move towards compassion and understanding? Can we begin to understand that love is worth standing up for?

This Solar Eclipse wants us to fight and stand up for what we believe in. To ask ourselves who am I, who is worth fighting for and what are my values? This Eclipse will take place on Monday, April 8th at 11:22 am PDT.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Libra Lunar Eclipse 🌘♎

Lady Justice pointing her long arm towards a soft body of water that echoes the gentle waves where we each know that we are all but a drop of water in the vast ocean of the collective.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Welcome to Aries Season 🌞♈

The first sign of Spring and the Astrological year. The sign of Aries gives us life. Aries is able to heat up so intensely that it births flowers & leaves, fruits & vegetables as well as conscious life too. Imagine the kind of heat it takes to create all of that. Passionate, raw, fiery. All fire signs have that kind of vibrant energy, but Aries in particular is our vital life force.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Full Moon in Scorpio 🌕

Beautiful and intense. Raw and real. Scorpio Moons always bring out the depths within us. I was born under a Scorpio Moon, which in traditional astrology, is the worst placement for the Moon. And, I’ll admit it…a Scorpio Moon has it’s challenges, but I’m here to set the record straight about the her. She is nothing to be afraid of.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus🌙

We are steeped in Taurus Season right now. At the time of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, we’ll have a Taurus New Moon, Taurus Sun, Taurus North Node, Taurus Uranus and a Taurus Solar Eclipse. Taurus is the Springtime Goddess. She moves slowly and brings peaceful energy. She is the remedy for all the fire we had during Aries Season. She says to us that she is so proud of us for all the work we did in early Spring, but now, our souls needs some calming self care. Breath she says. That fiery energy can’t last forever.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius 🌗

What you want and what you need may tug at you differently during the Aquarius Last Quarter Moon. Take a bath in a bed full of roses or gather some friends to figure out how to start an off the grid community? A Taurus Sun and an Aquarian Moon have very different ideas about how they should be using their time. And neither one of them will ever give up on their idea of perfection.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Full Moon in Libra 🌕

The Libra Full Moon seeks to remind us that amidst all the energy, new beginnings, power and passion of the Aries Sun, we must also find balance. Here, we are faced with the opposing views of Me versus We. The Warrior versus the Peacemaker. Aries asks us to be selfish and move forward with everything we have. And the Libra Full Moon asks us to come back to balance, beauty and harmony.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

First Quarter Moon in Cancer🌓

The Sun will be in Aries and the Moon will be in Cancer. Both are Cardinal signs and are good at new beginnings. The problem is that they completely disagree on how things should begin. Aries says go. Don’t think too much. Just gather all your strength and run. Cancer says flow. Feel all your emotions and allow intuition to lead you to dance.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

New Moon in Aries 🌙

This New Moon is all about taking action and healing. The two are intertwined in this case and are working together to help us heal past wounds. And these aren’t just any past wounds. These are wounds we’ve been carrying around with us for lifetimes. Wounds that we’ve never been able to escape. This Moon is here now to help us finally release them. She gives us all the power to stand up, take action and move forward with bravery and gusto. She gives us the Aries New Moon to do this.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Last Quarter Moon in Capricorn 🌗

This Moon will be asking us to take one more peak at the last Astrological year (Spring through Winter) before we completely move on into the next with all that Aries gusto. And she provides us with Capricorn to do so. Capricorn supports us in our goals, our work and our surefootedness. Capricorn gives us planning and wisdom. She is the perfect vessel by which we can glance backward and also forward with confidence, knowing that we are capable of all we hope to achieve.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Full Moon in Virgo🌕

This Virgo Full Moon is a special one. It marks the final Full Moon of the Astrological Year. She gives us the perfect occasion to release everything from the last 12 Moon Cycles and the perfect analytical lens by which to do it. Of all the signs, Virgo is the one who loves to serve and be there for others. Just as this Full Moon is here for us…

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

First Quarter Moon in Gemini🌓

Gemini is the sign of communication and thinking. She is the sign of quick witted intelligence and thinking through every scenario. She comes to us during Pisces Season, where we have been called to look to our intuition. And now Gemini comes in, saying not so fast. Gemini asks us, are you sure? Have you analyzed all the details of that Intention? Maybe there is something better out there? You should probably do some research. This is the kind of energy you can expect on this First Quarter Moon.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

New Moon in Pisces 🌙

Pisces lies still, deep in her knowing and dreams of what is coming. She allows herself to remain calm, compassionate and still with a deep knowing that all that is unraveling right now exactly as it should be. Now, she says to herself, is the time to dream. Now is the time to get in touch with intuition and let it unravel all that is coming next.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius🌗

The Quarter Moons don’t receive as much attention as the New and Full Moons, but they should. They highlight the areas in life where we need to be sharpening our tools. They give us profound insight into how we can be who we want to be and reach our intentions. They are typically a time when we can expect some sort of challenge to overcome or perhaps a new type of thinking to occur.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Full Moon in Leo 🌕

What can we all expect from a big ‘ol Full Moon in the shining, exuberant sign of Leo? It’s gonna be the kind of day when you’re gonna want your feelings to be seen and heard. Just how we each want to seen will vary widely based on your own personal chart and how the Moon is aspecting it. But there will likely be something that will come up where you’ll feel the need to be big, bold and loud.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

First Quarter Moon in Taurus 🌓

Here we meet the Sensual and Grounded Taurus Moon against the backdrop of the Rebellious Aquarian Sun. The Visionary with the soul of Goddess. Aquarius Season has been supporting you in your authenticity and forward thinking plans and now, this First Quarter Moon in Taurus is here to remind you that some grounded self care may be exactly what the doctor ordered.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

New Moon in Aquarius🌙

New Moons are times for New Intentions, Manifestations and more. An Aquarius New Moon is one that allows us to look at our goals, dreams and desires with a futuristic and authentic lens like none-other. It allows us to re-invent ourselves in whatever way we’d like. It allows us to find our true authenticity and leave everyone else’s opinions at the door.

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

Last Quarter Moon In Scorpio

A Scorpio Moon is intense, powerful and intuitive. Scorpio loves to go deep. She loves to find the places that make her feel with her whole body and soul. She loves to feel empowered. She loves to feel like a Goddess. So on this Last Quarter Scorpio Moon in Aquarius Season, what exactly is she asking us to do and how is she supporting you?

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Suzanne Platner Suzanne Platner

How to Embody your Inner Aquarius ✌

We enter Aquarius Season on Thursday, February 20th. What a fun and original sign it is. After all the work of Capricorn, it’s nice to bring some wild energy to our lives. And that’s just what Aquarians are known for. They are the rebels of the Zodiac. And right now, we could all use a little fun, don’t ya think?

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