Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse ♈

As a collective, can we find the courage to move towards compassion and understanding? Can we begin to understand that love is worth standing up for?

This Solar Eclipse wants us to fight and stand up for what we believe in. To ask ourselves who am I, who is worth fighting for and what are my values? This Eclipse will take place on Monday, April 8th at 11:22 am PDT.

Astrologers have been talking discussing this eclipse for years now…and for good reason. Any eclipse is notable. Any total eclipse is is especially notable. But this one…it’s different. A Solar Eclipse happens when the Moon and Sun are conjunct (causing a New Moon) and they are near enough to one of the Nodes causing the Moon to completely block out the light of the Sun. The reason this Eclipse stands out from the others is because not only are the Sun, Moon and North Node conjunct, but they are also conjunct Chiron. In fact, the Moon, Sun and Chiron will all be exactly conjunct…to the minute…at the moment of totality. Not only that, but almost every other major entity will be in Aries as well. We are also currently in a Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Taurus. And a Saturn/Mars conjunction in Pisces. Neptune is also in Pisces. Pluto, which just started it’s long journey into Aquarius, is the only major entity not in Pisces, Aries or Taurus.

So what story does that weave for us? A story of courage and standing up for what’s right. A story of knowing who you are. A story of changing the rules of how you stand up and fight for what’s right and claim your identity. A story of healing. This Solar Eclipse is asking all of us to find those things within ourselves. But there are 2 versions of this. One…is how we do this as a collective. And second, how we do this for ourselves. Of course, nothing happens in the collective without actions first from the individual. And so I think the important thing is for all of us to focus on our own part of this and have faith that enough of our actions will help steer the collective where it needs to go.

How do we each understand what this eclipse means for us? Well if you’ve got your chart handy, take a peak and see where 19 degrees of Aries is in your chart. What house is it in? Are there any planets there or within 5 degrees of it? Or are there any planets at or near 19 degrees of Libra, Cancer or Capricorn. Knowing all of those details can help you understand what this Eclipse means for you. If you’re a Moon Flow Member, you’ll get your text soon telling giving you your personalized interpretation based on which house the Sun, Moon and Chiron will be in. But even without knowing that info, just sit with the questions I asked above and ask yourself what those mean to you. Remember that a big part of Aries Season is about learning to follow those gut instincts. Those ones that come you really fast without too much thought. What are those gut instincts for you right now? Don’t think too much. Just write them down.

As always New Moons are a fantastic time to set intentions. With this being a Solar Eclipse New Moon, it kinda puts an emphasis on that. What do you wish to manifest in your life right now? If you could claim who you really are and have the courage to stand up for what you believe in, what would it be? These are excellent topics to set your New Moon Intention around. And remember that that intention is just the beginning of the lunar cycle, which is why it’s always a good idea to write down your intentions and come back to them during the next Full Moon of that same sign. The next Full Moon in Aries will be on October 17th, which will represent an important closure point for that New Moon Intention.

Wishing you all the best for the Eclipse and beyond!


New Moon in Gemini 🌘♊


Libra Lunar Eclipse 🌘♎