The Zodiac Signs of Summer
Cancer, Leo & Virgo

Leo Season
July 23rd - August 22nd
We all deserve to be seen. We deserve to be loved, cherished and to find the courage deep within us to show others who we are at our most vulnerable. We deserve to feel the true passion that rises within us calling up the roar of the lion, the heat of the sun and fire in our bellies. This is what Leo is and what they have to teach us. I am HERE, Leo says. Authentic, shining and proclaiming who they are for everyone to see. Leo is here to create, to express themselves, to have fun and to show us all that each and every one of us worthy of being seen…wholly…for who we are.
Leo is a Fixed Fire sign. Fixed because Leo is perfectly satisfied to remain exactly as they are. In other words, it is a stubborn sign. Fire, because it represents life, energy, excitement. Many people think of Leo as the sign who loves to be in the spotlight. The theatrical, drama queen who lives to perform. They're not entirely wrong, but what they don't understand about Leo is the courage that goes along with that. Not everyone can get up on stage and perform. And even many of those who do, aren't able to allow their heart to be seen while they're doing it. This is Leo. Not just the simple performer, but the performer who is brave and bears their soul. A lion's roar is more than just seen, it is felt. And when someone is aligned with high vibe Leo energy, the same is true. When they speak, you feel the energy of their words. When they walk into a room, you feel their soul light the room up.
As is true with every sign, Leo cannot actually be Leo, without the energy from the sign before it. Cancer Season asked us to find home and security. To retreat a bit and heal the inner wounds that we've been carrying. The idea is that once we've finished our Cancer work, we are ready for Leo. We are ready to shine and bear our souls! We have allowed our inner worlds to keep us safe, and now that that work is over, we are ready to play! The sun shines bright for us. Now it's our time to feel her light and allow ourselves to shine with her.
We all have that roaring lion within. The part of ourselves that wants to be seen and known for who we are. This season is all about finding it and not being afraid to show it off to the world. It is about creating. It is about joy. It is child-like energy that isn’t afraid to play and have fun.
Leo’s dark side is one of boastfulness, inauthenticity and a constant need for approval. The performer who doesn’t let you see their soul, but still wants all the applause. Ultimately, Leo needs love and approval and if they don’t get these things, they tend to become that empty vessel and they just keep trying harder and harder and it just becomes emptier and emptier.
Who are you under all the layers? What have you been waiting to allow others to see? Where in your life do need you be brave? Where in your life, do you need to play and let out your inner child? These are Leo questions. This season is here for us all ask the questions and hopefully find the courage to retrieve the answers.
Ways to embody Leo Season:
Soak up the Sun
Act like a kid
Go to a play (or better yet, do some acting yourself)
Tell someone how you really feel about them
Do something artsy
Discover what creativity means to you (hint: it doesn’t always have to anything related to artistry)
Write a poem
Cry while watching a move
Dance like no one is watching
Leo Health Tips:
Leo rules the heart and the back, so any exercises involving those parts of the body are helpful. Leo also likes to keep things fun, is competitive and generally does best when when they feel good about themselves. Some great Leo workouts are:
Anything that brings you joy
Competitive sports
Dancing - especially when they feel playful or can be dramatic
Yoga - especially heart-opening practices or those that are fast paced and fun
All kinds of cardio
Connecting with a Leo:
Sweep them off their feet
Allow them to shine
Love them deeply
Encourage their creativity
Role play
Do something silly
Be romantic
Play games
Leo Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Summer Squash
Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area