The Zodiac Signs of Spring

Taurus Season
April 19th - May 20th
Taurus is soft and gentle, grounded and safe. With Aries, we learned to begin and to find courage. We were fierce and competitive. And after all that fiery energy, it’s time for a nap. Above all else, Taurus wants to feel comfort. We are done with feeling heat in our body. Now we want to feel luxurious fabrics against our skin, a spread of lovely food in front of us, the touch of a loved one and the safety of a beautiful home or the feel of earth on their feet. For Taurus, it’s all about the senses. The feelings in their body have come alive and they yearn to feel it all!
Taurus is a Fixed Earth sign. Fixed because it represents the middle of Spring and Earth because they are grounded and practical. Taurus finds itself solidly in the season of Spring and simply delights in it’s pleasure. They are here and don’t want to be anywhere else. Taurus is a stubborn sign and, like the bull, will refuse to move if they don’t want to.
Aries taught us that we were alive. Taurus is here to teach us about our bodies. We step onto the earth, feel every particle of dirt that hits our feet. It sends shivers up our spine as we’ve never felt something so delightful before. We feel at one with the earth and crave a sort of simple desire to just be. To sit for hours and allow ourselves soak up each ray from the sun, feel the breeze against our skin and know that there is nothing more wonderful on this earth than this. We feel safe. We feel grounded. We feel every inch of our bodies. Why should there be anything else?
And so as Taurus moves through life, they find themselves constantly trying to get back to that place. It’s so simple to them really. When risks arise, they must balance the risk against how far from their ideal it will bring them. Why would they risk their peace? When complexity comes along, they say, no need to ask all these questions…life really can be that simple. They find another and they seek the pleasure found within that connection. To merge their bodies and feel their touch. And they simply cannot understand why anyone would want anything else other than safety, comfort and the pleasure that they so long for.
As with all signs, however, Taurus has a shadow. If left unchecked, they can become lazy, excessive and ultimately end up with a life that actually feels nothing at all. They must learn to get out of their comfort zone in order not to dissolve into their shadow. Tapping into the opposite energy of Scorpio can help them if they find themselves there. Scorpio is all about complexity, depth and the taboo things in life. It’s not that they should learn to become like a Scorpio, but rather, that they should take some notes from them and move towards that energy to help them get out of their slump. Asking hard questions, learning to acknowledge complexity and depth. Trusting others and getting out of their safety bubble. All these things can help them when they find themselves stuck.
Ways to embody Taurus Season:
Take a nap
Go on a nature walk
Book a spa day
Wear your most luxurious clothes
Walk barefoot
Netflix & Chill
Buy some new houseplants
Enjoy a long dinner with loved ones
Ask a loved one for a massage
Listen to music
Taurus Season Health Tips:
Taurus movements should be slow, steady and consistent. Strength training and consistency will be more important for them than cardio. Although cardio is still important. They are best suited to these types of exercises:
Long Distance Running
Outdoor Runs
Slow Yoga
Strength Training
Mud Runs
Taurus’ should take time when they eat to really enjoy their food as eating is such a pleasure filled experience for them. But they should also be careful not to overindulge. Allowing for small and consistent indulgences can help them. They can tend towards constipation, so fiber is very important in their diet.
It’s also important that they take care of their bodies with things like:
Embodiment practices
*Check out the book “Body Astrology” by Claire Gallagher for more in depth health info on each sign and planet
Connecting with a Taurus:
Allow them to move slowly and don’t push them too much
Get a couples massage
Hold hands
Set times for really intentional long dinners
Give them gifts that excite their senses and make them feel good
Plan a date to just stare at the clouds or have a long picnic
Taurus Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Collard Greens
Green Beans
Summer Squash
*Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area