The Zodiac Signs of Winter

Pisces Season
February 19th - March 20th
The final phase of Winter brings us right into Pisces Season. Introspective, soft and watery Pisces. They are the last sign of the Zodiac and embody a wrapping up of knowledge and letting go of all that is. The year has moved through all the signs and thus learned the lessons necessary for that Astrological Year. Pisces wraps it all up and represents the ending as well as reincarnation into the birth of the new Astrological Year. Pisces energy sits quietly with a deep knowing and understanding of the Universe and it’s cycles. There is deep compassion, never forcing knowledge on others and instead knowing that everyone has to learn their lessons their own way.
Pisces is a Mutable Water sign. Mutable because it represents the last sign of the Season and Water representing emotions and intuition. In fact, it is the most intuitive and psychic of all the signs, so Pisces Season is a great time to tap into your own intuition. This is a sign that is compassionate and kind. A different type of kind than Aquarius who was kind because they respected the differences in everyone. Pisces is kind because it understands the differences in everyone. Aquarius sought to know. Pisces, at some level deep within, just knows. And here we see a beautiful example of how each sign leads into the next. Aquarius saw the future and acted as a visionary for all others to follow. Pisces sits deep within that vision and rests. It is a timeless sign, wrapped up in a sort of “just being” and allowing that can only be explained by the unexplainable.
The biggest issues for the sign of Pisces are boundaries and escapism. Because Pisces lives in this sort of ethereal, timeless space, it sometimes doesn’t know when it ends and another begins. Pisces tends to soak up the energy for everyone all around them, which can cause huge problems for themselves and others as well. Pisces does best when it aims to move towards it’s opposite sign of Virgo. Virgo is all about control and Pisces is all about letting go. The balance between the two is where each finds it’s highest road. Pisces people must learn to add some structure and boundaries to their life. And they must also be careful not to fall into escapism. It’s very common for Pisces people to become alcoholics, get into drugs or some other addictive behavior in order to escape. They should be cautious of all avenues.
Mostly, however, Pisces Season is a time for introspection and rest. It is the last Zodiac sign of Astrological year and comes to us before Mother Nature wakes up with Aries and the Spring Equinox. And just like a mother in her last trimester, this is a time for rest. A time to dream about all the possibilities that are about to unfold as we begin the next cycle of life. A time to let your body relax this one last time before everything changes. It is the end of an era. Reflect, relax and dream. This is what Pisces calls us to do.
Pisces Season Health Tips:
Pisces rules our blood flow, so be sure to consume plenty of Iron, B12 and folate supporting foods, such as leafy greens, beef, eggs, etc. Cooking in cast iron pans can also help
Pisces exercises:
Take a bath
Sleep longer than usual or take naps
Get a massage, with an emphasis on your feet
Massage and wash feet daily in the shower
Do a cord-cutting meditation
*Check out the book “Body Astrology” by Claire Gallagher for more in depth health info on each sign and planet
Ways to embody Pisces Season:
Take a nap
Do Yoga
Book a session with a Channel or Medium
Tune out
Volunteer at an Animal Shelter
Reach out to a friend in need of some compassion
Write a poem
Take another nap
Write about your dreams
Pisces Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Brussels sprouts
*Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area