The Zodiac Signs of Summer
Cancer, Leo & Virgo

Virgo Season
August 23rd - September 22nd
Sometimes we all need a little push to get our act together. Leo Season was fun and big, but if we want to continue on life’s path, it’s important that we start taking things seriously again. That we go back to our daily habits and our health routine. That we take a solid look in the mirror and ask ourselves how we can improve. That we seek out mentors that can guide us on our journey.
This is Virgo Season ♍
Virgo is a Mutable Earth sign. Mutable because it’s the last sign of the season. Virgo lives half way in Summer and half way in Fall…which is why we all start getting really excited about Fall as soon as Virgo season comes around. Virgo is an Earth sign because it is grounded, practical and loves nature.
Virgo’s see the world as it should be. At least, that’s what they would say. Their vision is clear, profound, beautiful and remarkable. They believe perfection is attainable. Of course, we all know, that perfection is, in fact, not attainable. Striving for perfection is one of life’s greatest joys. And it is also one of life’s most disastrous pitfalls. The world understands Virgos as meticulous, detailed, nit-picky and perhaps a little too forth-coming with advice. All of these things can be true, but there is so much more to this incredible sign.
The key to understanding Virgo is understanding that the gap that exists between perfection and reality is always keenly present in their mind. This is why they are so dang detailed oriented. They are always trying to attain the unattainable. It haunts them. For a Virgo to be happy, it’s important that they understand this part of themselves and learn to give grace when needed.
The word Virgo comes from the word Virgin. It has nothing to do with sexuality though. Virgo the Virgin belongs to themselves. They are undiluted from anyone else’s idea of how things should be. They see a path illuminated with possibility and they know exactly how it should be done. They know the way and they are perfectly happy to share that way with others as well. And so, sometimes they can be seen as nit-picky and annoying. But it’s important for the rest of us out there to realize that they’re not trying to undermine anyone. They are truly trying to help make this world a better place. And the reality is that we would be nowhere without Virgo. They are the ones making sure all the little things happen and that the cogs continue to turn.
Virgo Season is an excellent time to look for mentors or become one yourself. That strive for learning and improving stirs in the air. It’s a time when we can all look around at the circumstances around us and ask how we can do better. How can we treat our body, our mind and the people and things around us better? How can we strive for perfection? Of course, if we do find ourselves striving for perfection, we must also remember that we will never, in fact, get there. The strive will grow us only so far inasmuch we remember that good enough is indeed good enough.
Ways to embody Virgo Season:
Organize something
Work outside
Pick some herbs
Create checklists
Prioritize healthy habits
Offer to help those you know
Seek out a mentor
Work on mastering a skill
Give yourself grace
Remember that perfection is impossible
Be happy when the result is “good enough”
Virgo Health Tips:
Because Virgo loves details, any kind of workout where they can work on alignment or feel a deep sense of purpose works well for them. Foundational levels seem to never grow old for the Virgo because they feel a mastery of the basics is better than a sloppy understanding of advanced skills. Some common workouts are:
Strength training
Virgo Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Sweet Potatoes
Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area