The Zodiac Signs of Spring

Gemini Season
May 21st - June 20th
*This post may contain affiliate links which means I may receive a commission for purchases made through links. I will only recommend products that I personally use and love
Gemini brings us into the final season of Spring. We learned to feel the fire of being alive with Aries. We learned how to become embodied with Taurus. Now in the final season of Spring, we learn about our minds with Gemini. How we absorb information. How we shift perspectives. How we listen and how we communicate. Gemini is the final stage of the molding of the human being at it’s core. Just as Spring births life onto the Earth and forms it into shape throughout Spring, Aries, Taurus and Gemini act the same for humans.
Gemini is the archetype of the twins. Most people think of Gemini as a sign that changes it’s mind frequently and has two personalities. This is true. But what I think people don’t understand is why Gemini is this way. Gemini’s mind is always open. They are always looking to receive new information. They are hungry for knowledge and thirsty to unlock the secrets of every rabbit hole. More simply…they are filled with wonder. And so they are ever evolving because at that their core, they are open to changing their mind at any given moment.
Gemini is a Mutable Air sign. Mutable because they love change. Air because they are mental…always in their heads. Gemini thrives on all kinds of mental stimulation and communication. They have a certain type of child-like energy to them because they see the world as their oyster and are truly excited by all the possibilities that lay ahead of them. Unlike their opposite sign of Sagittarius, they don’t seek knowledge so that they can know the truth. They seek knowledge just for the sake of knowing and understanding more. They don’t really believe there is an end game to that knowledge in the way that Sagittarius does. They are not searching for faith. They are searching for wisdom.
Gemini’s thrive on excitement and new possibilities. New things to learn, new experiences, new books, new people to meet. They love anything new. They are an extremely social sign and love chatting away everyone they know and even those they don’t know. One thing that’s important for Gemini’s to realize is that listening is just as important and speaking. They are here on this earth to learn to listen and will find that they are naturally good at it…as long as they can keep quiet enough to hear it.
Some things Geminis should be careful of is being too scatter-brained and not focused enough. Because they love to gather new information, sometimes is can be too stimulating for them and it can result in never actually doing something with all that they’ve learned. As an air sign, it’s important for them to learn to ground. They are also known to be gossipy and too-faced. They should be careful of these shadow energies and remember that not everybody understands their flip-flopping tendencies.
Ways to embody Gemini Season:
Plan a social event
Go to the bookstore/library
Free-write or journal
Have coffee with a friend
Read a book
Listen to a Podcast
Listen to someone else’s perspective
Change your mind
Allow your curiosity to run wild
Do some breathwork
Have a friendly debate with someone
Go to a group workout or dance class
Gemini Season Health Tips:
Gemini loves to their minds, so incorporating exercises that are mentally stimulating and/or in social environments will keep Gemini coming back for more. And because
Gemini rules the Hands, Shoulders, Arms and Lungs building strength in those areas is vital. Incorporating breathwork can do wonders for a Gemini. Some great Gemini exercises include:
Group classes
Tennis, racquet ball, etc.
Softball and baseball
Yoga with a breathwork emphasis
Gemini should also remember that they can get bored easily, so keeping a variety of healthy foods on hand is really helpful!
*Check out the book “Body Astrology” by Claire Gallagher for more in depth health info on each sign and planet
Connecting with a Gemini:
Converse endlessly
Go to a social event together
Take time to listen (and hear) what your partner has to say
Challenge their ideas (in a friendly way) and allow them to challenge yours!
Play together! Go do something fun and kind of childish
Experience something new together
Allow eachother to be filled with wonder and awe about how truly incredible the Universe is
Gemini Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Green Beans
Summer Squash
*Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area