The Zodiac Signs of Autumn

Libra, Scorpio & Sagittarius

Sagittarius Season

November 22nd - December 21st

Freedom. Faith. Expansion. Sagittarius Season takes us into a whole new world of excitement. And it’s needed after the depths of Scorpio Season. Sagittarius Season is a time to grow. We’ve done our work within the inner worlds and now we are ready to see what else is out there waiting for us. We are called to ask the question, where do we need to expand? What places to set our sights on and what need things are to be learned. It’s time to immerse ourselves in seeking truth. Opening ourselves up to a certain type of faith that allows us to spread our wings and fly.

Sagittarius is a Mutable Fire sign. It is the last sign of the season of Fall and because it’s Mutable, it carries with it some elements of Winter. But mostly Sagittarius wants to wander. There is a fire burning deep within Sagittarius that constantly says move. Learn. Grow. Expand. This sign wants to hold it’s belly to the fire and deeply immerse itself into every way of learning and growth possible. It wants to leap into new opportunities and if not careful will find itself never being happy because there is always more. More pursuits in the seeking of truth. The archer aims it’s arrow towards a type of truth, faith and enlightenment that only Sagittarius can ever really understand.

Ways to embody Sagittarius Season:

  • Go on a last minute trip

  • Book a vacation

  • Take a class

  • Do archery

  • Wander aimlessly

  • Ask a friend if you can join them at their church, synagogue or other spiritual experience that is new to you

  • Go on a roadtrip

  • Play Santa Claus for a family in need

  • Fully immerse yourself in the holiday season

Sagittarius Seasonal Food (varies by region):

  • Apples

  • Asian Pears

  • Avocados

  • Beets

  • Broccoli

  • Cabbage

  • Carrots

  • Cauliflower

  • Celery

  • Chard

  • Cherimoyas

  • Cilantro

  • Citrus

  • Dates

  • Edamame

  • Grapes

  • Green Beans

  • Green Onions

  • Guava

  • Kiwi

  • Kumquats

  • Lettuce

  • Melons

  • Onions

  • Passionfruit

  • Pecans

  • Peppers

  • Persimmons

  • Pistachios

  • Potatoes

  • Pumpkins

  • Radishes

  • Spinach

  • Summer Squash

  • Sweet Potatoes

  • Tomatoes

  • Turnips

  • Winter Squash

  • Zucchini

Go to for a more complete list for your area