The Zodiac Signs of Winter

Aquarius Season
January 20th - February 18th
Stir crazy much? All that grounded Capricorn energy can’t last forever and that’s where Aquarius comes in. Boundless energy, edgy, bold and futuristic. Capricorn was the leader. Aquarius is the rebel. Aquarius sits in the dead of Winter and knows there must be something more out there than this boring home and these boring tasks. She is wild and free and see’s a future that seems unimaginable to everyone else around her.
Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. All Fixed signs sit in the middle of the season and they are stubborn in their ways. And for Aquarian's, the Air in them can’t stop using their mind. It spins and spins about what could be possible and how the world could change instead of always doing the same old thing. They are true visionaries. What else could be better to do in the middle of Winter than to be a visionary.
Aquarians are also known as inventors. Tinkering with ideas for how they can help their communities. They love people and get off by trying to understand what makes others tick and then imagining all the creations they can make to help them. And yet at the same time, they are aloof and detached, trying not to get too close to anyone. So they bound about meeting all kinds of new people along the way, and then at the end of the day, retreat back to their home, where surprisingly, they genuinely love to be.
They are unique and wouldn’t have it any other way. Often choosing the route no one else would simply so that they can be different.
Aquarius Season is the time when you want to check in with yourself and ask yourself if you’re living true to who you are. It can be very easy to get caught up in social norms, other people’s ideas of happiness or routines that no longer feel good. This season provides us all an opportunity to get a little rebellious and get closer to who we are as individuals.
Health Tips for Aquarian Energy:
Eat foods that feel true to you
Eat lots of leafy greens to help with blood flow
Keep out artificial additives as much as possible
Take an Epsom salt bath to recharge your energetic body
Aquarius rules blood, circulation, muscles, bones and electrical currents through the body, which is why it’s important to main optimal flow throughout the entire body.
Good workouts include anything that uses the whole body and requires some type of explosive force, such as:
Kundalini Yoga
Ice Skating
Any kind of jumping
Ways to embody Aquarius Season:
Go back to your plans you made during Capricorn season and spice them up!
Create something. Anything.
Be adventurous
Get a tattoo or a piercing
Make new friends
Learn a new skill
Take another look at your plans for your veggie garden, but with that Aquarian Inventor’s eye
Take up macramé
Dive into Astrology
Make a lunch date with your most eclectic friend
Aquarian Seasonal Food (varies by region):
Brussels sprouts
Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area