Full Moon in Leo 🌕
We’ve got a Full Moon coming up! And this will hit us in all her glory in the sign of Leo. She’ll be exact on Wednesday, February 16th at 8:57 am PT. So what can we all expect from a big ‘ol Full Moon in the shining, exuberant sign of Leo? It’s gonna be the kind of day when you’re gonna want your feelings to be seen and heard. Just how we each want to seen will vary widely based on your own personal chart and how the Moon is aspecting it. But there will likely be something that will come up where you’ll feel the need to be big, bold and loud. Or maybe you’ll have a deep desire for others to really see you on an emotional level. Whatever the case, you’ll want to be seen in some way or another.
And this Full Moon rests against the backdrop of an Aquarius Sun. We are still in Aquarius Season and so our egos are still tied to that future focused, unique lens that Aquarians are known for. Collectively, it feels like we’ll all want our own unique ideas that we’ve been dwelling on this past season to shine. We’ll want it known what we’ve been up to. And since we’re dealing with a Full Moon, you’ll be very supported in releasing something that may be blocking you.
By now, I’m sure you’re wondering what exactly you should be releasing. For a Leo Full Moon, you’ll want to find that thing in your life that’s holding you back from shining as much as you could. What’s going on in your life right now, that is holding you back from being seen in the way you want to be seen? That’s really the question. If you started the “Moon-th” with a New Moon Intention, you’ll also want to go back to that and see if there is something holding you back from achieving that Intention and release that as well. Perhaps it’s the same thing? Take some time to think about it and determine what’s best for YOU to release this Full Moon.
Here are some Journal Prompts you can use to help you focus in on it.
In what ways is it really important to me to be seen and is there something currently blocking that from happening?
When is a time in my life when I’ve really shined and how did it make me feel?
Who in my life (past or present) have I felt like has really seen me? What kind of an impact did they have on me?
Additionally, I’ve included specific Journal Prompts below corresponding to your Personal House Placement of this Full Moon.
A Full Moon is a fantastic time to do a Full Moon Ritual and this particular Full Moon will be no exception. It’ll be an especially great Full Moon to be with others since the Sun is still in social Aquarius and we’ll want our emotions to be seen by others. Find some friends who you know will love sharing this moment with you and have some fun with it!
Tips for a Leo Full Moon Ceremony:
Grab some friends and decide if you’ll be sharing in person or virtually (Just make sure that the friends you choose are people who will really hear you).
Include the element of Fire since Leo is a Fire Sign
Include the element of Air since Aquarius is a an Air Sign
Prepare something that you’d like to release and write it down
Find a safe way that you can burn your paper. It can be in firepit or a large non-flammable bowl, etc.
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed
Begin with an opening meditation. You can begin with these words: “I ask to release (_______). I am ready to move on without this in my life and I call forward a new reality where I am able to grow and be seen in (_____) way. I am here, I am open and I am ready for this change. I am calling upon my Angels (or Source, the Universe, etc) to see me through this transition.” Then allow for a few moments of silence with your eyes closed while you reflect and allow yourself to imagine what your life will look like once you release what you’ve written down.
If you are with others, have each person repeat this and share what they are releasing. After each statement is made, it is vital that the others present acknowledge what has been said and show their support and love for the person making the statement.
After the meditation and support statements are complete, have each person burn their slip of paper
After each paper has finished burning, everyone should say aloud “And so it is”.
Do a closing prayer, acknowledging your gratitude for your Angels (or Source, Universe, etc.) and for the friends who supporting you during the ceremony.
Many people think that you must do a Full Moon ceremony at night so that you can see the Full Moon, but that simply is not true. The night’s sky may lend itself that witchy feeling that you’re after, but this Full Moon will actually be at her peak in the morning (if you’re on Pacific time), so doing something during the day is great too! Whatever feels best for you is what you should do!
Personalized Journal Prompts based on your Chart:
*To find your House Placement for Leo, take a peek at your chart and see which House(s) Leo sits within. There are likely 2. Pick whichever resonates the most. To get a free copy of your chart, go to Astro.com.
Leo in the First House: If Leo sits within your first House, you are probably someone who wants to be seen just for being you! Your self identity is likely also very wrapped up in shining and being seen. This Full Moon will be supporting your growth and allowing you to release a time when you felt like you weren’t fully seen. Journal Prompt: When was a time when I felt unacknowledged after really putting myself out there? How did it make feel? What can I release to help me forward?
Leo in the Second House: If your Leo falls within your 2nd House, you are likely someone who will only shine when you feel safe to do so. Your safety and feelings of security are key to you being able to really let loose and show people who you are. For this Full Moon in Leo, it will be a great time to dive into some of those feelings and what really makes you feel safe to shine! Journal Prompt: When do I feel safe to shine? Is there something I can release that is holding me back from having this feeling more often?
Leo in the Third House: If Leo Falls within your 3rd House, you have a way of expressing yourself that is genuinely fun and joyful. You even gets spurts of childlike excitement when your mind ticks with new ideas! You love communicating and when you’re not heard, it makes you feel less than. Journal Prompt: When is a time when you communicated something important to you and felt completely unheard. How did it make you feel? What can you release that gets in the way of you feeling unheard when communicating?
Leo in the Fourth House: If Leo falls within your 4th House, your home and/or family life is an area where it’s very important to you to shine. You take a lot of pride in your home or family and want others to know just how important these things are to you. When it goes unacknowledged that you care so deeply, you can often feel very hurt. Journal Prompt: What about your home or family life are you the most proud of? Is there something you can release that may be getting in the way of you feeling as proud as you’d like to?
Leo in the Fifth House: If Leo falls within your 5th House, you are someone who loves to shine and be seen for everything you do. You are not afraid of hard work and tend to always add a special flair to it. You love to be seen…end of story. So, when you’re not, it really hurts. This Full Moon will be a great time for you to release some of those emotions. Journal Prompt: What are some examples of times in your life that you felt unseen? How did it make you feel and what you can you release that will help you move past those situations?
Leo in the Sixth House: For those of you with Leo in your 6th House, you probably really feel like you’re on top of the world when you’ve got everything in order and/or your daily habits are on point! You shine especially bright when you’re taking care of others this way and it makes you truly happy to really get into the details of service. For this Full Moon, it’s a great time to release something you’ve been thinking about where you weren’t seen when you put so much attention to a task. Journal Prompt: Is there a specific time when I felt like I was unacknowledged, despite me putting in so much effort, love and care into something? How did it make feel?
Leo in the Seventh House: If Leo falls in your 7th House, your communication in your partnerships is an area where you tend to feel very proud of how you handle yourself. It’s very important to you that you and your partner (sexual, business or otherwise) are seen and heard. And so when that doesn’t happen, it can hurt your pride quite a bit. Journal Prompt: Do you currently have any partnerships where there is something blocking effective communication? What can you release to remove the block?
Leo in the Eighth House: Having Leo in the 8th House means you’re someone who tends to get crafty and bold in your love life or in other deep connections. You love to shine in your sexual endeavors and probably enjoy role playing quite a bit. For this Full Moon, you may want to dive into how your love life is at the moment. Journal Prompt: Do you feel empowered in your love life? If not, what can you release to help you to shine?
Leo in the Ninth House: FREEDOM! Yelled with a dramatic flair. If you’ve got Leo in your 9th House, you tend to be rather dramatic when it comes to your curiosity and freedom. You love carving your own path and getting to be adventurous and travel. This is when you feel like you the true Queen you are. Journal Prompt: What makes you feel truly free? Is there anything blocking that and if so, how can you release it?
Leo in the Tenth House: For those with Leo in their 10th House, you have a deep sense of purpose and it’s very important to you that everyone knows about it. You tend to keep your ideas relating to purpose fun and entertaining. But most of all, you want to be acknowledged for everything you do relating to your purpose. Journal Prompt: Is there anything blocking you from shining as much as you know you can when it relates to your purpose? What can you release to remove that block?
Leo in the Eleventh House: Having Leo in you 11th House means that you’ll likely really shine when you’re bringing people together for a common cause. Friendships and/or social gatherings…especially when they’re purpose driven, are very important to you and bring you so much joy! For this Full Moon, it’ll be the ideal time to release something you’ve been holding onto in regards to friendships. Journal Prompt: Is there a friendship or social situation where I felt as if I wasn’t seen or heard? How did it make me feel and how will it make me feel to fully release this?
Leo in the Twelfth House: If Leo is in your 12th House, you are probably pretty dramatic when it comes to the spiritual world. You love to do rituals and really get into the fun of it all. And it’s very important to you that others see that spiritual side of you. Journal Prompt: Do you feel as if you’re able to let your spiritual self shine bright? If not, why? This is what you’ll want to release.
Share below! What will you be releasing this Full Moon?