Last Quarter Moon in Sagittarius🌗
The Moon will hit it’s Last Quarter phase in Sagittarius on Wednesday, 2/23 at 2:32 pm PT. The Quarter Moons don’t receive as much attention as the New and Full Moons, but they should. They highlight the areas in life where we need to be sharpening our tools. They give us profound insight into how we can be who we want to be and reach our intentions. They are typically a time when we can expect some sort of challenge to overcome or perhaps a new type of thinking to occur. Sometimes it can seem difficult on those days, but truthfully, these are the days that make us. If we try to ignore these lessons, than we will also be ignoring the underlying gifts that they are providing us.
And the good news is, there is a way you can pinpoint exactly how this Moon is supporting you through all of this! Keep reading for some personalized insight based on your chart below.
The Sun also moved into Pisces last week, so our egos are probably feeling the need to reflect and relax some. We are now in the final phase of the Astrological year. A time when Mother Earth is beginning to awaken, but much still lays dormant. Spring is almost here. And once she arrives, it’ll be time to use all that fiery Aries energy to begin new projects, do some Spring cleaning and begin the Astrological Season anew. But for now, Pisces rules the day. Which means, rest, reflection, compassion and intuition. Allow yourself to rest during this season. To go into other realms and dream about what the world will look like when she awakens. Collectively, this is what our egos are calling us to do.
Sagittarius, on the other hand, says go! Wander, be free, seek, philosophize. Emotionally, we’ll feel the need to explore. Pisces says close your eyes and dream. And Sagittarius says, open your eyes and wander. This is the challenge of the Quarter Moons. Pisces and Sagittarius are both Mutable Signs, meaning that they both embody change. But they have vastly different ways of getting about it.
Are you ready for change? Not only in Mother Earth’s Seasons, but also in the cycle of life we’ve all been in since 2020. Collectively, we’ve been through the ringer and I think we’re all craving change at this point. But how? What to do next? These are questions that both Pisces and Sagittarius aim to solve. They just have very different ways of going about it. Once we hit the new Moon in Pisces, we may have a much deeper understanding of it. But for now, we are supposed to be faced with the challenge of a Pisces Sun squaring a Sag Moon. There is such beauty in that. Let’s live there right now and see what we can achieve during this time.
So what does this all mean for you? We all have different charts and different lives and so all of this effects us each in different ways. But…there is a pretty simple way that you can gain insight into your own chart and how this Last Quarter Moon will be affecting you.
The trick is in finding out what house this Moon will sit in for you. If you have a copy of your chart, grab it and see what house(s) Sagittarius is in. If you don’t have your chart, go make yourself a free copy at This Last Quarter Moon will be at 5 degrees of Sagittarius, so if you know how to read a chart, see exactly where that is. If you don’t, that’s okay too. Just check it out to see which houses Sag is in and read the descriptions below for each one and check in with your intuition to see which makes more sense to you. They both may align pretty well.
Sagittarius in the First House: If Sagittarius falls in your 1st house, you are likely already pretty dang adventurous at heart. You are someone who loves to learn and explore and always wants to try new things. For you, this Moon will be a great time to embody those very things. Allow your mind to dream big and imagine what the world will look like when she wakes up (both from the Winter Season and from the pandemic). You may feel torn between the need to reflect and your deep desire to get back out there. The Moon is supporting you in this contrast. Allow your thoughts to go wild and do both! Reflect and Dream. Journal Prompt: What lessons have I learned during this last season of life and how have those shaped what my next adventures will be?
Sagittarius in the Second House: For those of you with Sagittarius in your 2nd House, your need for safety and stability may override your desires to be adventurous. It’s not that you don’t love to travel and get out. You may, in fact, have an extremely strong desire to do so, but it’ll likely also come with the need to make sure you’re safe. It’ll be important for you to ground yourself when you travel and make big changes. With this Last Quarter Moon, dive into what it’ll take for you to feel safe to move onto this next phase of life. Journal Prompt: Where in my life am I feeling the need for more grounding or security? What can I do to provide that for myself?
Sagittarius in the Third House: If you’ve got Sagittarius in the 3rd House, you can be pretty bold in your communication style. You tell it like it is and you love learning and being adventurous with how you communicate. You’re always trying to do it better. This Moon is supporting you in your communication and how you think. It’s a good time to reflect on your growth in communication over the last year. Journal Prompt: Is there currently any areas of my life where I could do better in my communication? What can I do to improve?
Sagittarius in the Fourth House: If you have Sagittarius in your 4th House, your home and/or family life will likely be big, bold and constantly evolving. Or, you may just feel right at home no matter where you are all over the world. You have big ideas of what your home should look like and you’ll probably never stop imagining how much more incredible it could be than it already is. For this Moon, she’ll be asking you to rest and reflect before you dive into everything you’ve been dreaming up. Journal Prompt: What do you love most about your home right now? What are you most excited to change?
Sagittarius in the Fifth House: For those with Sagittarius in the 5th House, you are someone who’s pretty adventurous in your joy for life. Doing big things, learning, traveling and philosophizing are the types of things that give you joy and can bring out the kid in you. This Moon Phase is supporting you in your seeking of joy! It’s time to reflect on your joy and the types of things that bring you that childlike kind of joy that only 5th House Sagittarians know. The joy of expanding. Journal Prompt: What was the most joyous thing I did during this last Astrological year? How can I add more of that to my life for this next one?
Sagittarius in the Sixth House: If you have Sagittarius in your 6th House, your ideas about how to serve others are probably pretty big. This could mean how you serve your family, your community, your work or even the world. Whatever it is, your sense of wanting to serve in some way is larger scale than most people can understand. This Moon is supporting you in your sense of duty. She asks that you reflect on the areas of life where service is important to you. Journal Prompt: In what ways do I feel a tug serve others? What daily habits can I enhance in my life so that I may do this more fully?
Sagittarius in the Seventh House: For those with Sagittarius in the 7th House, you love to go big in your relationships. You are bold and you care deeply. You crave a lot of communication and understanding between you and your partnerships. This includes lovers, friends, family, business partners and more. You love to explore and maybe even test the limits of the balance between these relationships. For you, this Moon is supporting you in your relationships. She supports you in your communication between those that you care about and is asking you to be bold when called to. Journal Prompt: Who in your life do you feel like you could do a better job of communicating with? What are some ways you can improve to enhance your communication with this person?
Sagittarius in the Eighth House: If you have Sagittarius in the 8th House, you believe in that in order to achieve real depth and transformation, that you must go big. When it comes to those types of topics that others may shy away from, you aren’t afraid of diving in head first and figuring out the rest as you go. You love to be adventurous when it comes to the taboo. You explore all the wiles of life. For this Moon, she wants you do ponder those ideas. Think about why you’re able to jump into these topics so easily. Journal Prompt: How does it make me feel when I’m going deep into the taboo? What type of adventures involving this type of depth can I dream up?
Sagittarius in the Ninth House: If you’ve got Sagittarius in the 9th House, you love adventure! You love being big and bold and just getting out there and doing it! Travel…yes please. You want to see the whole world and learn about every culture along the way. For this Moon, she’s supporting you in all your adventures. Journal Prompt: What types of adventures have you been dreaming up? And how are you gonna make it happen?
Sagittarius in the Tenth House: For those of you with Sagittarius in the 10th House, you likely have a very big or adventurous sense of purpose. When it comes to your career or purpose, you’re not afraid of taking risks and making big moves. You probably spend a decent amount of time philosophizing about these things as well. This Moon is here to support you in your purpose and/or career. Think about all the big moves you’ve made in this pursuit and where it’s lead you. Journal Prompt: What are the biggest moves I’ve made in my career or purpose path? When I imagine where I’m going next, what does it look like?
Sagittarius in the Eleventh House: If you have Sagittarius in your 11th House, you’re probably someone who thrives in social situations. You may have a lot of bold and/or unique friends and may find yourself as being the one bringing together people for unique types of causes. You have a big sense of humanity and progress and often think about how we, collectively, can do even more and make bigger moves. This Moon is supporting you in this thinking. Journal Prompt: What types of social situations have the biggest impact on me? How can I embody more of this to make a bigger impact?
Sagittarius in the Twelfth House: For those with Sagittarius in the 12th House, you take your alone time seriously. Your spirituality is an area where you love to be adventurous and you’re likely someone who gone on, or dreams of going on spiritual treks throughout the world. If you go with others, you’ll likely find time to wander off by yourself so you can live in your own Zen world. This Moon supports you in your adventures in spirituality. Journal Prompt: If I could go on a spiritual trek anywhere in the world, where would it be and would I bring anyone with me? If so, who?