New Moon in Pisces 🌙
We have a new Moon in Pisces on Wednesday, March 2nd at 9:34 am PT. Pisces is the last sign in the Astrological calendar and thus with Pisces Season comes the close to our year. Pisces Season is an ideal time to reflect on this past astrological year, and also dream about what is to come next. Pisces is the sign of the dreamer. Pisces lies still, deep in her knowing and dreams of what is coming. She allows herself to remain calm, compassionate and still with a deep knowing that all that is unraveling right now exactly as it should be. Now, she says to herself, is the time to dream. Now is the time to get in touch with intuition and let it unravel all that is coming next.
And this is how Mother Earth & our Moon supports us right now as well. She gives us this time of year as the time to reflect and dream before the Earth re-awakens from her slumber. Depending on where you are, the Earth may already been awakening. There are likely signs all around you reminding you that Spring is almost here. Aries Season is almost here. And with Aries Season, comes force. Aries brings energy and readiness to tackle all that lies ahead. But what is force without the reflection and dreams that comes before it? And here we have the perfect example of the cycles that Mother Earth gives to us each year and the wisdom that lies within each sign and season, if we are listening close enough.
This last year has been tumultuous for all of us and it continues to be that way, but let us each take this time now to remember that these cycles are here for our growth. And although at times, they can seem draining, there is always a fresh new cycle awaiting us. Allow yourself to relax now. The Season of Winter is coming to a close and if we’ve prepared well, we will be ready for Spring. Capricorn was here to guide us through the work that needed to be done in the early part of Winter and to help us plan. Aquarius was there for us to help us think outside of the box and imagine a different kind of future than we’ve ever seen before. And now Pisces says, rest and reflect on all of it. You now have the knowledge of this last year. You are one year wiser and can now move onto the next phase.
New Moons are always a time to manifest or create new intentions. So when we have a Pisces New Moon, we are called to set our intentions around dreaming about the future and getting in touch with our intuition. How do you see yourself growing in this next phase of life? What do you see yourself doing? Now is the time to set your intentions on those dreams and call them into being.
Additionally, this New Moon also has Jupiter in a tight conjunction with the Moon and Sun, which means that they’ll be working together to help you create your dreams. This, my friends, is a beautiful placement because Jupiter is all about expansion and making things bigger. Which means that you will be that much more supported and your dreams will have that much more life.
This New Moon is asking us to be expansive in our dreams. To call in our intuition and have it guide us towards the things that matter most. To dream. To Envision. To extend compassion.
Pisces New Moon Ritual
It’ll be a beautiful time to do a New Moon Ritual and set your intentions at that time. Because Pisces is a very introspective sign, this will be ideal Moon ceremony to do by yourself, but definitely okay to do with others too as long as they are people you feel very comfortable with. Here are some ideas you can use to create a your own Pisces New Moon ceremony:
Find a quiet place where you will be undisturbed
Include the element Water because Pisces is a Water Sign. The Moon, Sun and Jupiter will all be in Pisces and thus a strong presence for this New Moon. My recommendation would be to take a bath, but even having a cup of tea of some water nearby would be fine too.
Prepare your New Moon Intention ahead of time. Write it on a small piece of paper. I’ve written up some personalized ideas below based on where this New Moon will be transiting your chart. Do some journaling with these ideas so you have a really clear idea of what your intention will be. If what I’ve written doesn’t resonate, go with what your gut tells you instead. Pisces is all about following your intuition and you know what’s best for you.
Begin with an opening meditation. Close your eyes and imagine what your life will look like once your New Moon Intention is realized. Imagine the people that you will be with. Imagine the places you’ll go. What does it smell like? How does it feel? Tap into all of your senses and just allow your mind to wander into the ethos.
After you’ve finished your meditation, open your eyes, take out your paper and read your New Moon Intention aloud. If you are with others, have each person say theirs aloud as well.
Do a closing prayer, acknowledging your gratitude for your Angels (or Source, Universe, etc.)
After you are done, fold up your paper and keep it somewhere safe where you will continue to see it throughout the Lunar Cycle. I recommend slipping it into your bra for the next few days…possibly even the entire Lunar Cycle.
Check back in with your Intention the following week at the First Quarter Moon. Then again during the Full Moon (at which point you’ll release something having to do with the Intention). Again, at the Last Quarter Moon and finally on the Last Day of the Moon Cycle, which is the day before the next New Moon. I’ve included all the dates for the upcoming Lunar Cycle below.
Personalized Guidance & Journal Prompts
Below I’ve included some guidance for each sign based on which house this Moon will be transiting for you. This is an ideal time to set a new intention based on your dreams and your intuition. The below is simply guidance for you. If it doesn’t resonate, follow your intuition instead. But even if it doesn’t resonate, I still recommend pondering and/or journaling on these ideas as you are supported in these areas of life right now and they will help you to expand your intuition even further.
If you are unsure which Houses Pisces is in for you, go pull a free copy of your chart at You’ll simply see which House(s) Pisces resides over and then read the corresponding info below. For most, Pisces will be in 2 different houses. Read both and see which resonates.
And pretty soon, we will be able to calculate this information specifically for you during each cycle! Click HERE for more info about our upcoming Moon Journal Membership and to get on the Waitlist
Pisces in the 1st House: If you have Pisces in the first House, you are likely someone who embodies compassion and makes it a priority to try your best to understand humanity. People see you as someone who is gentle, kind and caring. Whether you realize it or not, your intuition is part of your identity. And your intuition will be especially high during this New Moon. Listen to what she is telling you. Allow yourself to just close your eyes and see where it takes you. You know where you should be focusing your energy now…all you have to do is listen.
Journal Prompt: Where in my body do I feel my intuition the most? (If you are unsure, close your eyes and ask. Listen to your body and allow for the answer to appear. Don’t judge it. Just listen and write.)
Pisces in the 2nd House: For those with Pisces in the second House, your sense of self worth is tied to your spirituality or connectedness. Not necessarily religion, but just your connectedness to all that is. It’s important for you to feel that connection and know that there is something else out there. For this New Moon, tap into that connection. Contemplate your feelings of security and self worth at this moment. If you’ve been feeling unworthy or insecure in any way, now is the time to set an intention around healing this. You will be VERY supporting in this healing during this New Moon.
Journal Prompt: In what areas of life have I felt myself holding back because I didn’t feel worthy? What can I do to regain that worthiness and tap more into my intuition?
Pisces in the 3rd House: If you’ve got Pisces in the third house, you embody your Pisces energy in the way that you think and communicate. You are someone who takes your time in thinking things through. And truthfully, your intuition likely comes through you best when communicating your thoughts. You try your best to always be compassionate when communicating with others. This New Moon will be supporting you in these areas.
Journal Prompt: How often do I notice my intuition coming through when I’m thinking and/or communicating? (If unsure, take some time to think about recent conversations you’ve had and if you feel like you were guided in them?) How can you tap into this even more?
Pisces in the 4th House: For those with Pisces in the fourth house, you likely love your quiet time at home. It’s your place where you truly feel you can be introspective and relax more than anywhere else. When you are feeling at home, you are most aligned with your intuition. Your intuition flourishes when your home and family life is strong. For this New Moon, you are being asked to strengthen it even further.
Journal Prompt: In what ways, can I strengthen my home and/or family life? Who am I with or where am I when I feel my intuition at it’s height?
Pisces in the 5th House: If you have Pisces in your fifth house, being in touch with your spirituality probably brings you quite a bit of joy! You are someone who can get pretty creative in the way that you embody your connectedness and compassion for others. You’re likely even known to pretty brave in your approach to spirituality. This New Moon is supporting you in this and is asking you to lean in even further.
Journal Prompt: When was the last time your spirituality brought you genuine, child-like joy? Why did it bring you so much joy and how can you embody this even more?
Pisces in the 6th House: For those with Pisces in the sixth house, you are so kind in your service to others. You feel a deep sense of service and love giving back because you are so connected when you do so. Whether you realize it or not, serving others is actually a spiritual act for you and gives you a deep sense of fulfillment and actually heightens your intuition. This New Moon is supporting you in your service. Your service to others, your service to your community or workplace, to this planet and yes, even to yourself.
Journal Prompt: How does it make you feel when you are in service? In what area of your life can you embody this even more and thus expand your intuition? (remember…service to yourself counts too)
Pisces in the 7th House: If you’ve got Pisces in the seventh house, your intuition is highest when you find yourself in harmony. Harmony in relationships, harmony in life, harmony in art. Wherever there is harmony, you will find that you become more connected. This New Moon wants you to seek more harmony in your life so that you may expand your intuition more fully.
Journal Prompt: Where in your life can you achieve more harmony and balance?
Pisces in the 8th House: For those of you who have Pisces in the eighth house, you are most in touch with you intuition when you are involved in the depths, the taboo and the transformations. You feel intensely when you’re able to go deep with someone. You’d rather not deal with someone at all if there’s no depth because in order for you to feel connected, you must go deep. You are supported in your depth during this New Moon.
Journal Prompt: In what ways do you experience depth in your life? How can you achieve more depth so that you may tap even further into your intuition?
Pisces in the 9th House: If you have Pisces in your 9th House, you likely are someone who feels the most connected to source when you feel free. When you’re traveling, or when your curiosity is running wild, or you’re allowing your mind to philosophize with the best of them. This is when you are totally tapped in! This New Moon supports you in allowing so much more of this!
Journal Prompt: When is a time when you were allowing your mind and/or body to run free? How did it make you feel? How can you do achieve more of this so that you may tap more fully into your intuition?
Pisces in the 10th House: If you’ve got Pisces in your tenth house, your intuition is at it’s highest when you’re working towards a goal. You are so very guided in your ambitions and when you’re working towards a purpose. Just the very act of knowing where you’re headed puts you in connection with source. This New Moon wants to make sure that you know where you’re headed so can be fully tapped in.
Journal Prompt: Do I currently have a sense of purpose towards something? If yes, do I feel as if I’m being guided? Why or why not? If no, spend some time journaling on why not and what you can do about it.
Pisces in the 11th House: For those with Pisces in your eleventh house, you feel the most connected when you’re involved in social situations…especially if they’re guided towards progress. You intuition thrives when you are connecting people and/or involved in community. In fact, your intuition likely guides you in connecting the right people towards a common cause. This New Moon is supporting you in your social activities.
Journal Prompt: What types of social situations do I feel the most called to? Is there anything I can do to enhance those situations or add more of them to my life?
Pisces in the 12th House: If you have Pisces in the twelfth house, you are someone who is most connected to your intuition when you simply call it in and allow yourself to find stillness. For you, all you really need to do is calm your soul and you can almost certainly get into your intuition pretty easily. This New Moon is supporting you in tapping into your intuition even further. She is asking you to allow for peace among the chaos. To search for the deep knowings that you find when you simply close your eyes.
Journal Prompt: What am I doing when I feel most tapped into my intuition? What kind of intention can I set that will expand my intuition even further?