First Quarter Moon in Gemini🌓
We have a First Quarter Moon in Gemini coming up on Wednesday night/Thursday early morning. It happens precisely on March 10th at 2:47 am PT. Gemini is the sign of communication and thinking. She is the sign of quick witted intelligence and thinking through every scenario. She comes to us during Pisces Season, where we have been called to look to our intuition. In last week’s Blog Post, during the Pisces New Moon, we looked at our charts to discover the areas of our life where we most easily access our intuition and where we were the most supported during Pisces Season. We set New Moon Intentions deeply rooted in guidance from our intuition. And now Gemini comes in, saying not so fast. Gemini asks us, are you sure? Have you analyzed all the details of that Intention? Maybe there is something better out there? You should probably do some research. This is the kind of energy you can expect on this First Quarter Moon.
The Quarter Moons are an ideal time to check in with ourselves and see how we're doing towards any Moon Intentions/Releases that we've set. They are always set about a week after the New and Full Moon and energetically, always present us with some sort of challenge, or perhaps a new perspective. So, if you set a New Moon Intention during the Pisces New Moon, go back to it now. Ask yourself if you've made progress towards it. Don’t be surprised if that Gemini energy is questioning everything. Use her energy as a time to gain a new perspective about your intention. Although these Quarter Moons can feel challenging, they are here to support us and guide us to our highest outcome.
Additionally, the Moon will be Trining Saturn in Aquarius, giving us a sort of effortless and unique wisdom in forward thinking ideas. It truly is a great day to see if you can add some dimension to any Intentions or goals you've set for yourself. Take some time to ponder these ideas. Allow yourself the space to volley ideas back and forth. But at the end of the day, come back to the wisdom you know to be true in your gut and continue moving towards it.
Ask yourself the following questions to help you gain perspective on this day. I always recommend journaling as it helps us to process our ideas and also document them, but just allowing yourself to think these things through or chatting with a friend can be very impactful. Especially given that it's a Gemini Moon, talking out loud about these things may be what you feel called to do.
What new ideas have come to me lately that I need to hash out?
How am I feeling about any Intentions or goals that I've set? Am I overthinking things or is there an opportunity to refine my ideas?
Who in my life can I talk through these ideas with? (Grab a phone and call them…or maybe write them a letter telling them about everything going on)
Personalized Journal Prompts based on your Chart:
*To find your House Placement for Gemini, take a peek at your chart and see which House(s) Gemini sits within. There are likely 2. Pick whichever resonates the most. To get a free copy of your chart, go to
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Gemini in the First House: As someone with Gemini in your 1st House, you are a natural communicator. You move quickly, think fast and always have something to say. You naturally love learning about new things, reading books and you are always questioning everything.
So on this First Quarter Moon, don't be surprised if you feel your brain moving even faster than it normally does...especially with things having to do with your emotions. You may find yourself questioning any new goals or intentions that you've set. It's okay to do the due diligence and explore those ideas, but don't get lost in them my friend. Use the day to process those ideas and make sure that at the end of the day, you allow yourself to come to some sort of conclusion about where you're headed.
Journal Prompt: What area of my life am I constantly questioning right now? How can I come to a conclusion about this using my brain and my voice?
Gemini in the Second House: As someone with Gemini in your 2nd House, your sense of self worth and security likely comes from your ability to communicate or process ideas. You feel good when you're talking. You feel good when you're learning. You gravitate towards these things when you're feeling unsure of yourself or are in unstable situations because they set your mind at ease.
For this First Quarter Moon, lean into that! Get out there and talk or read a book. In some way or another, make sure that you're doing something that uses your mind and gives you the space to express yourself. If you find yourself questioning any goals or intentions that you've set, allow yourself the day to really process through why you're questioning it, but don't let it affect your self worth. Know that this is just the energy of the day and it's okay.
Journal Prompt: How does it make me feel when I'm able to fully express myself and know that my voice has been heard? In what ways is my self worth affected when I feel that I'm not heard?
Gemini in the Third House: As someone with Gemini in your 3rd House, your mind moves a mile a minute. It literally never stops going. Always thinking and changing your mind constantly because you're continually thinking of new perspectives and shifting your ideas. There must be the perfect answer out there somewhere and so you never stop contemplating it and trying to learn more.
For this First Quarter Moon, you will likely emotionally feel pulled in a lot of directions. If you put forth any type of New Moon Intention or goal recently, you will likely be questioning it like crazy! Allow your mind to wander and question, but don't let it go too crazy and make sure to reign it in at the end of the day.
Journal Prompt: Is there an area of your life where you feel pulled in 2 separate directions...almost if there is a constant debate happening in your mind? How can you settle this dispute?
Geminin in the Fourth House: As someone with Gemini in your 4th House, you are always looking to learn more when it comes to your home and/or family life. Your mind races thinking up new ways to improve your home or ideas about things you can do for your family. When problems come up, you're quick to think on your feet to solve the crisis at home.
This Moon may get you feeling emotional about your home or family life, or may have you going deep into the subconscious with all kinds of ideas racing around you, without you even realizing it. You may find yourself contemplating your family life or some root issue for yourself. Try to catch yourself in these thoughts and see if you can pull out any real life ideas that you want to utilize.
Journal Prompt: What's going on in your home or family life right now that needs to be thought through or talked through? How can you help solve this dilemma?
Gemini in the Fifth House: As someone with Gemini in your fifth house, you tend to be very creative in the way that you think and how you communicate. You like to keep it fun and may even be known to add some flair here and there when talking, especially to a large group of people. You're funny and love to entertain yourself and others. In fact, you're quite good at entertaining yourself just by letting your mind run wild. You have the ability to come up with incredibly creative ideas and concepts and love to be recognized for them.
This Moon wants you to bring out that creativity and fun...and possibly some bravery too! There may be a conflict that comes up for you today that can be solved simply by using that incredibly creative brain of yours and getting out there and speaking it aloud! Observe what's going on around you and make sure you're paying attention for when this comes up. It may feel like a conflict or possibly just a shift happening somewhere. But whatever the case, use your voice and your mind to get creative and/or brave.
Journal Prompt: Do you find that you're able to process information better simply by adding some fun or creativity to it? What are some examples of when you did this?
Gemini in the Sixth House: As someone with Gemini in your 6th House, the way that tend to serve others and give back is through your mind and your communication. You’re the type who is happy to help others work through a problem and dive into every possible solution. You’re great at helping others communicate their needs and love to speak on behalf of those who can’t speak up for themselves. Your mind buzzes through details faster than anyone you know and are very meticulous in how you communicate those ideas.
This Moon may have you feeling the need to help others even more. You fast moving brain and incredible communication skills may be needed by those around you today. Look out for others who could use some help and take some time to offer a helping hand. It will bring you great joy!
Journal Prompt: Do I find that my mind works best when I'm in service? Either to my own cause, someone else's or even the greater good? When are some times when I've used those skills to help others?
Gemini in the Seventh House: As someone with Gemini in your 7th House, you are a peacemaker. You’re the one who will do your best to use your voice to help make peace with others or help people to find common ground. You don’t like confrontation and work hard to use your mind and/or communication to bring balance.
This Moon may bring up some sort of challenge or possibly help you to shift your perspective in the area of partnerships. You may feel conflicted about someone in your life and it may feel like they're bringing things out of balance, which can make you feel very uncomfortable. Please know that even if this doesn't sit well with you, it is there to support you towards your highest good. Use your mind and/or communication skills to help you work through the issue. This is where you shine and bring so much harmony to this world.
Journal Prompt: Where in my life am I currently feeling out of balance? How can I use my mind or voice to bring balance back into my life?
Gemini in the Eighth House: As someone with Gemini in your 8th House, your mind works best when you're going really deep or you're working through a transformation. You have the ability to dive straight into a topic and go down to incredible depths. You love to solve problems by going all in on complex ideas and finding answers that exist only when you're willing to face the darkness of the depths. This is especially true when you're working on transformations. Whether you're transforming yourself or an object, there is no limit to deep your thoughts can go.
This Moon will be focusing in on that depth and transformation for you. Don't be surprised if you feel yourself going especially deep today. You may even feel a little bit sad or melancholy. Please know that it's just the energy of the day and is here to support you. You may emerge from this depth with a new realization of your path forward.
Journal Prompt: Is there an area of your life where you may need to hunker down and really go into the depths of your thoughts in order to work through it? Allow yourself to do this today. You are supported here.
Gemini in the Ninth House: As someone with Gemini in your 9th House, your mind is so expansive and curious about different cultures and ideologies. You have a deep seated respect for different cultures and religions because your mind understands at an intrinsic level the necessity and the beauty of the differences of all types of people. You appreciate this balance greatly and love talking about these types of subjects. In fact, you flourish when you're communicating on these topics and seeking to bring harmony to marginalized groups.
This Moon will be highlighting this for you. You may be challenged or possibly have your perspective shifted in regards to some sort of philosophical difference. Engage with those ideas and see if they relate to what's going on for you right now. They are being highlighted for a reason.
Journal Prompt: In what ways have I used my voice or my mind to stand up for a marginalized group of people? Why is this important to me?
Gemini in the Tenth House: As someone with Gemini in your 10th House, you are someone who uses communication to help guide you towards your higher purpose in life. When you speak of your calling in this life, people listen. You have a way of using your mind and expressing yourself that will almost always push you further along that path.
This Moon will shifting your perspective in regards to your calling. It'll be changing the way you see things and supporting you towards your higher purpose in life. A challenge may come up for you, but please know it's there to support you and help you go towards what you're put on this earth to do. Your job is to make sure that you keep talking and/or using your mind to that end. It's what you do best!
Journal Prompt: In what ways am I working towards my higher purpose in life right now? How can I continue to express myself to the right people in order to continue moving towards that goal?
Gemini in the Eleventh House: As someone with Gemini in your 11th House, you love to talk and think about the future. You are likely someone who has a very complex understanding of societal issues and tend not to be able to turn your brain off when diving into these topics. You have a constant need to learn more about society and how it functions and quite possibly have been known to attempt to gather people together to work towards your ideals about the future.
For this First Quarter Moon, think about the ways in which you've done that very thing in the past. Think about your hopes and wishes for the future. Not only for yourself and your family, but also for society at large. You are very supported in these ideals on this day.
Journal Prompt: If you could change anything about the future, what would it be and who would you gather to do it?
Gemini in the Twelfth House: As someone with Gemini in your 12th House, you think best when you’re alone and able to find quiet. When you process information, you go way high up into the ether to access it. Your mind works on a level that not everybody understands because you go to places that just aren't accessible to most other people. You question spirituality and intuition and yet, you're fascinated by it. Never dismissing it, just always asking more questions.
This Moon will highlight this for you. It'll have you going back to your New Moon Intention and questioning everything about it. You'll have a full on debate going on in your head at all times and you may not even be aware of it because it's so high level. Try to tune into it and really listen to your thoughts to find what's true. At the end of the day, come back to what you know in your gut to be the right direction forward.
Journal Prompt: When I sit still and really listen, what thoughts are available to me right now? Clear your mind and take the time to really listen to what's going on for you today. It will be worth it.