Full Moon in Virgo🌕
This Virgo Full Moon is a special one. It marks the final Full Moon of the Astrological Year (the Astrological year begins with the Aries Sun and Spring Equinox and finishes with the Pisces Sun and Winter). She gives us the perfect occasion to release everything from the last 12 Moon Cycles and the perfect analytical lens by which to do it. Of all the signs, Virgo is the one who loves to serve and be there for others. Just as this Full Moon is here for us…allowing us to usher away all that we want to leave behind. Winter and the Pisces Sun Season are about to come to a close and this Full Moon will be here to support us in the final releasing of this Astrological year.
This will be an important one and time should be taken to think through what you'd like to release from these last 12 "moon-ths". All Full Moons mark the ideal time to release and let go, but none quite as potent as this one. Just as Virgo is incredibly detailed in her pursuits, we also should be, in finding what we'd like to let go. These last 12 months have been intense to say the least. Mother Earth now asks us to take some time to dive deep into what this year has taught us, who we want to be going forward and then deciding what we want to release before we move onto Spring and Aries Season.
Aries is the sign of energy. She is the first sign of the Zodiac and represents the beginning of everything. Once she is here, it will be time to go. New life will emerge and we will emerge from our Winter's slumber. There will be a power in the air that will be undeniable. But if we are to emerge as powerfully as we can, we must shed what was is holding us back.
The Moon moves into Virgo on Tuesday evening and will be with us until the wee hours of the morning on Friday. The Full Moon will be at its peak on Thursday evening (technically at 12:17 am Friday). A St. Patrick's Day blessing perhaps! Start preparing and thinking about what you want to release on Wednesday if you can. The Moon will already be in Virgo, so you'll be heavily supporting in your analytical skills. It'll be an ideal time to do a "year in review" exercise.
Ask yourself the following questions:
What was the most pivotal moment of this last Astrological year?
How have I grown during this time?
What (or who) am I ready to leave behind?
Additionally, I’ve included specific Journal Prompts below corresponding to your Personal House Placement of this Full Moon.
A Full Moon is a fantastic time to do a Full Moon Ritual. Find some friends who you know will love sharing this moment with you or just take some on your own!
Tips for a Virgo Full Moon Ceremony:
Decide if you'll be doing this with others or by yourself (either is fine!)
Include the element of Earth since Virgo is an Earth Sign (a crystal or some herbs from the garden are ideal)
Include the element of Water since Pisces is a Water Sign (a glass of water or tea works great)
Prepare something that you’d like to release and write it down
Find a safe way that you can burn your paper. It can be in firepit or a large non-flammable bowl, etc.
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed
Begin with an opening meditation. You can begin with these words: “I ask to release (_______). I am ready to move on without this in my life and I call forward a new reality where I am able to grow and be seen in (_____) way. I am here, I am open and I am ready for this change. I am calling upon my Angels (or Source, the Universe, etc) to see me through this transition.” Then allow for a few moments of silence with your eyes closed while you reflect and allow yourself to imagine what your life will look like once you release what you’ve written down.
If you are with others, have each person repeat this and share what they are releasing if they wish
After the meditation and support statements are complete, have each person burn their slip of paper
After each paper has finished burning, everyone should say aloud “And so it is”.
Do a closing prayer, acknowledging your gratitude for your Angels (or Source, Universe, etc.) and for the friends who supporting you during the ceremony.
Many people think that you must do a Full Moon ceremony at night so that you can see the Full Moon, but that simply is not true. Anytime of day is great! This Moon will be at it’s peak on Thursday evening, so that would be the ideal time, but truly…any time on Thursday or even Friday morning would is wonderful!
Personalized Journal Prompts based on your Chart:
*To find your House Placement for Virgo, take a peek at your chart and see which House(s) Virgo sits within. There are likely 2. This Full Moon will be happening at 27 degrees of Virgo, so try to find where that is on our chart. Or just pick which of the 2 resonates the most. To get a free copy of your chart, go to Astro.com.
And…our Moon Journal Membership is almost ready! It’ll enable you to journal all your thoughts in one place and track the current Moon Sign, Sun Sign and even your own cycle with each entry. As part of the Membership, your Personalized Moon Guidance will be sent directly to you! Click HERE for more info and to join the Waitlist!
Virgo in the 1st House:
As someone with Virgo in your First House, you love helping others. You thrive when you are in service and will literally bend over backwards to do whatever you can to help. You are a stickler for details and spend quite a bit of time analyzing yourself too. You likely gain quite a bit of pleasure from being out in nature and observing Mother Earth's natural beauty and her cycles.
This Full Moon in Virgo is asking you to look at yourself. Look at everything you've accomplished over these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now), and to look at the ways in which you've grown. Look at your failures and what you've overcome. Look at who you've become and who you yearn to become still. The Moon supports you in going inward and doing self analysis here.
Journal Prompt: What can I release with this Full Moon, that will help me to be my highest self?
Virgo in the 2nd House:
As someone who has Virgo in the Second House, your feelings of security and/or self worth are likely very much tied to your sense of service to others. That could mean service to your family, your job, your community or even to the world. You probably also are very particular about how you handle your money. You gain worthiness and security from feeling like you're doing your part and making sure that you have everything in order.
This Full Moon in Virgo is asking you to examine your sense of security and self worth. During the Full Moon, you may feel a little unstable. Don't let this unsettle you, but instead let it remind you of how that feels and what triggers those emotions in you. This Moon is here to support you in your growth towards worthiness and security. This can mean both financially and emotionally. She wants you to look back at the last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now) and examine the feelings that come up.
Journal Prompt: In what ways do I feel the most secure? In what ways do I feel the most unsecure? (again, these can mean financially and/or emotionally) What do I need to release that has been holding me back from my feelings of worthiness and security?
Virgo in the 3rd House:
As someone with Virgo in your 3rd House, you likely have a very analytical mind. You love pouring into the details of things and getting into the nitty gritty. You're probably an over thinker and often share the processing of thoughts out loud with others. You want all the details and assume others do to, so sometimes you may overshare when it comes to that analytical mind of yours!
For this Full Moon, use that analytical mind to pour over the details of these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now). You'll want to find something to release that you no longer want to hold onto going forward. You may be feeling like your mind is racing even faster than normal and emotionally this could trigger some feelings of wanting to push yourself even more to find that perfect thing. Resist those thoughts. There is no perfect answer. Just write it all out. Or do bubble charts and spreadsheets and post-it notes and what ever else tickles your fancy to think through everything, but don't stress about it. Whatever comes naturally to your intuition is right.
Journal Prompt: What can I release with this Full Moon that I am fully ready to let go of in order to move into this next phase of life?
Virgo in the 4th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 4th House, it's probably very important to you that you have an orderly home life and that things are just as you like them. You have very detailed ideas about the ways in which homes, both physical and practical, should be maintained and will let others know when you feel it's not being done properly. You likely have very specific reasons for wanting things a certain way. And you share those ideas with others because you want to be helpful and assume they'd like to know the best way (which may or may not be true).
For this Full Moon, take a look at your home life. Your physical home and your family life. The Moon will be highlighting these things for you and you may feel especially charged about them. The Moon is here to show you what needs releasing in these areas of your life. Are there areas that you've been stressing about? What has changed over this last year (from Spring Equinox 2021 until now)? What have you been thinking about that you'd like to change? What are you happy with? Does everyone in your family agree on how things should be run?
Journal Prompt: What would I like to my home and/or family life to look like? Are others within my home on the same page as me? If not, how can we all come to an agreement? (ps...This doesn't mean that you explain all of your very logical reasons and then quickly object when they explain theirs. It means finding a compromise). What can you release that may be holding you back from this future home life?
Virgo in the 5th House:
As someone with Virgo in your fifth house, you probably take creativity and fun seriously! Maybe a bit too seriously even. You love to entertain others and view it as a form of service, but you are extremely hard on yourself and believe it's never good enough. You'll never stop trying though. Always thinking of new ways to create and find joy. You are indeed courageous, but sometimes the stakes can feel so high when you put yourself out there. You do it though, because for you, it is service and it does, indeed, fill your cup when you make others happy.
For this Full Moon, make sure you get out there! Find some time to be creative, courageous and find joy! You will be so fulfilled when you do and the Moon will be supporting you in this! But also, take some time to review this last year (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now) and look for areas when you felt the most joyous and/or creative.
Journal Prompt: What can I release so that I may bring more courage, joy and creativity in my life?
Virgo in the 6th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 6th House, you likely have very specific ideas about the way in which your life should run. Your daily habits and how you take care of yourself and others is vitally important to you. This includes your health and the health of anyone whom you've love. You feel called to this type of service. Giving back and helping others with their daily lives and their health fills you up.
For this Full Moon, think about all the ways in which you give back to others. Think about the ways you ensure that they are well taken care of and the importance that daily habits play in your life. Think about these past 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now) and what you've changed in regards to your daily habits, your service to others and/or your health. Emotionally, you may feel an even bigger tug than usual to love on those that you love.
Journal Prompt: What would you like to release from these last 12 months that is no longer serving you and has previously prevented you from taking care of yourself and/or others?
Virgo in the 7th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 7th House, you're likely very analytical of your relationships (sexual, platonic, business and otherwise). You truly believe in service to your partners and work hard to make sure that you're doing your part, and when they don't do the same, it can feel very hurtful. So, in turn, you may pick them apart a little too much and find fault a little too readily. Relationships are so important to you and you really are willing to go above and beyond for anyone you're in partnership with, but truthfully, you never feel like you're doing enough for others. You do so much, so please give yourself some grace. And remember to give others grace as well.
For this Full Moon, think about all of those you are in some sort of partnership with. Emotionally, you may feel a strong tug to over analyze things that have happened with those partnerships and beat yourself about them. Resist the beating yourself up part, but do dive into the dynamics of them. What have those partnerships been like over these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now)? What have you done for others? Have you felt they haven't done enough in return? How do you feel when you're in service to your partners?
Journal Prompt: What can I release that has been holding me back within my partnerships with others?
Virgo in the 8th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 8th House, you are likely someone who loves to dive into the mysteries of the mind. You may find yourself analyzing people and their shadow sides and always wanting to know more about how and why people are the way they are. You find any type of transformation fascinating and will always seek to know more about the details of how people, insects and other things transform.
For this Full Moon, think about transformation. Emotionally, you're probably gonna wanna dive deep and go inward deep into the recesses of your mind. Some of this is so healthy and will help you analyze these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now). But just make sure not to go too deep. Think about how your life and/or the world has transformed.
Journal Prompt: What have you been holding onto these last 12 months that it's time for you to let go of, in order for you to fully transform into the being you know you're meant to be?
Virgo in the 9th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 9th House, you have been known to think through every detail before you take a big jump. When you travel, you plan it out meticulously. When you're thinking about learning about a new topic, you want to know everything before you decide if it's right for you. You may even over analyze it all a bit too much and never make a decision because you want to make sure you have all the details first.
For this Full Moon, look back on these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now) and think about any types of big things that you've done in your life...or possibly things you've wanted to do or learn about. Did you find that you over analyzed any of it too much? Was it hard to decide to take the leap of faith and jump? What else would you like to do, but have felt the need to know before you did it?
Journal Prompt: What would I like to release that has been holding me back from taking the next big jump in this phase of my life?
Virgo in the 10th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 10th House, having a career or purpose in life where you feel that you're helping others is probably highly important to you. You take your profession very seriously and are meticulous in the way in which you do your work. You put a lot of pressure on yourself to produce an incredible work product and quite possibly never feel like it's as good as it should be because your standards are so high.
For this Full Moon, these feelings of pressure and inadequacy may come up for you. However, they are coming so that you can work through them. Think about the progress you've made in your career or your passions in life over the last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox until now). Think about what you want to do next and how it will make you feel to accomplish it.
Journal Prompt: What can I release that has been holding me back from giving myself the proper credit for all the progress I've made in my life?
Virgo in the 11th House:
As someone with Virgo in your 11th House, you probably have very specific ideas about what the future should look like and those ideas might look quite different from everyone else's. You're likely the type of person who knows how to get into the nitty gritty with all things having to do with either technology, societal issues or really anything future focused.
This Full Moon will having you feeling the need to be rather analytical when it comes to the future and/or society. Dive into it...as long as it's feeling productive. If you find yourself becoming too critical of society and everything that's going on, try to ground yourself by getting outside or meditating. And then take some time to imagine what you'd like the future to look like. For yourself or for society. And then find what you need to release that may be stopping you from working towards that future.
Journal Prompt: What can I release with this Full Moon that will allow me to continue working towards the future of my dreams.
Virgo in the 12th house:
As someone with Virgo in your 12th House, your intuition is likely very strong and you believe deeply in helping others by using your gut. You have very detailed ideas about how spirituality should be included in your life and when you're tapped in, your life just runs better. You're able to stick to your daily habits more easily and everything runs smoother. You may also find yourself getting overly critical of yourself or others in regards to spirituality. If this happens, take some time to get tapped back in and you will likely find that it goes away.
This Full Moon may have you feeling like you're not good enough, or you may find yourself criticizing those around you...especially in regards to matters of spirituality. If this happens, please know that although it may not feel great, it's actually there to highlight something for you. To show you an area of your life that you need to let go of. Think about everything you've gone through over these last 12 months (starting from Spring Equinox 2021 until now). What's coming up for you? Since you're naturally so intuitive anyway, listen to gut here to find what you're ready to let go of.
Journal Prompt: What am I ready to release from this past year so that I may begin the next chapter of my life?