New Moon in Aries 🌙
We have a new Moon in Aries and she’s a powerful one. She will peak at exactly 11:25 pm PT on 3/31. This New Moon is all about taking action and healing. The two are intertwined in this case and are working together to help us heal past wounds. And these aren’t just any past wounds. These are wounds we’ve been carrying around with us for lifetimes. Wounds that we’ve never been able to escape. This Moon is here now to help us finally release them. She gives us all the power to stand up, take action and move forward with bravery and gusto. She gives us the Aries New Moon to do this.
The Aries New Moon is perhaps the most powerful of all the New Moons because Aries represents beginnings. Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac and is a sign that just says start. Go. Don’t think too much. Just go. Aries comes in with fire and life and is here to birth new ideas, new plans, new actions, new life. She’s not the sign to finish the task, but she is the sign to start it. Right now, we are being supported by both an Aries Sun and an Aries New Moon, so the time to start something new is now.
This particular New Moon is especially potent because she’s conjunct with both Mercury and Chiron. Mercury is the planet of thinking and communication. So an Aries Moon conjunct with Mercury means that we are supported in the thought processes and the communications involved to create. Chiron is not a planet, but a meteor. Chiron is considered the wounded healer. In Greek mythology, Chiron was a centaur who became severely wounded during his life, but went on to heal many others because of his pain. So now we have our Aries New Moon, Sun, Mercury and Chiron all working together to create the unique mix of energy happening in the sky. This is why it is so clear that this New Moon is here for our healing. She’s giving us the power to heal to take action. And also take action to heal.
Take some time to set an New Moon Intention that you’d like to carry throughout this entire Lunar Cycle (approx. 4 weeks until the next New Moon). Ask yourself the following questions to dive deeper into what this could mean for you and what type of Intention you should be setting:
What type of healing can I do that would propel me into taking action? And how can I begin that process towards healing?
What has come up recently that may be prompting me to step up and take action?
Who would be someone I can talk to about my healing that would support me and help me to see what steps I need to take?
New Moon Ritual
If you’d like to do a New Moon Ritual, tonight will be an incredible time as she will be at her peak this evening at 11:25 pm PT. Anytime today or tomorrow, however, would still be great and will still hold so much power. And keep in mind, you don’t need to do a New Moon Ceremony at all. Many people love to because it helps them to focus in and set proper intentions, but just allowing the energy of the Moon into your life is enough.
Include the element of Fire since Aries is a Fire Sign (a candle is ideal)
Prepare your Intention and write it down
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed
Close your eyes and take some time to bring yourself to a meditative state
Once you’re there, begin imagining what your life will look like once you are healed from this wound. Think of who you will be with. Where you will be? What you’ll be doing? What will it smell like? Try your best to bring in all 5 senses.
Next, take some time to re-center yourself and then feel yourself being pulled back in time and allow yourself to see this wound in other lives. What do you see? Don’t judge it. Just allow. How is this person wounded from the same wound you’ve suffered? Approach them and embrace them. Tell them that you are healing from this now and that they will also be free from this wound. Allow the healing to take place between the two of you. Allow the feelings to come up. Once you’re done, move further back in time again and see if any other past lives require healing. Again, don’t judge. Just allow.
Once you feel as if you’ve met with all past lives, allow yourself to come back to the present and again envision your healing and what that will look like.
Take some time to really feel into that and then slowly open your eyes.
Take the piece of paper you’ve written on and keep it somewhere close to you for a few days (perhaps your bra) and then put it somewhere where you’ll continue seeing it throughout the lunar cycle.
Personalized Moon Insights
Depending on the placement of Aries in your Natal Chart, there is an easy way to see specifically which area of your life this healing is most likely to occur. If you have a copy of your Natal Chart, look to see which House Aries sits in for you at 11 degrees. Then take a peak at the descriptions below to see which one matches your chart! You can grab a free copy of your chart at
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Aries in the First House: This New Moon will be supporting your healing around your self-image or independence. Ask yourself who you are now and who you want to be going forward. Are the two different? This New Moon is here to let you know that if you want to change something about yourself, the time is now! Go forward and be confident. You have everything you need to move onto this next level of life.
Aries in the Second House: This New Moon supports your healing around money and/or your feelings of self worth. It's a great time to set an intention around financial planning or self care! This Moon wants you to focus on whatever is going to make you feel the most worthy. Whether that means shoring up your financials, creating habits of self worth or setting an intention of speaking kindly to yourself. Now is a great time to make a plan and take action on it!
Aries in the Third House: It's time to speak up! What has been weighing on your mind that you need to get off your chest? Now is the time to get it all out. Whether you realize it or not, this particular issue has been with you for lifetimes and this Moon supports you in finally releasing it. Your time for healing is now.
Aries in the Fourth House: This New Moon says it's time for you to heal any wounds relating to your family, home or even lineage. You have something you've been carrying around with you for lifetimes and it's time to let it go. It's time to move on from the pain this has caused. You have a warrior within that says you're the one who will release this for your lineage. Stand up tall, call in your intention and move forward with the great power that you have within.
Aries in the Fifth House: Courage. You're being called to move ahead with courage right now. The Moon is asking you to be brave, look forward and know that you are capable of incredible things. And being courageous right now means healing for you. Do all you can to be bold during this New Moon.
Aries in the Sixth House: This New Moon wants you to take action regarding your health and/or daily habits. She supports you right now in your growth towards taking care of yourself and others. Whatever actions you take right now will mean a great deal of healing for you in this current lifetime and healing of many past lifetimes as well.
Aries in the Seventh House: This Moon is here to help you heal your relationships. You have relationship wounds from many lifetimes ago that are now ready to be healed. It's time for you to take action and begin a new cycle of healthy relationships for this lifetime and your lifetimes ahead. You have everything you need to create this healing. Take intiative and do it.
Aries in the Eighth House: This New Moon is here to help you take action on any trust or intimacy issues. It's time for you to step forward and and be outspoken so that you may heal. Set a new intention around how you'll handle these things going forward. You are ready for this change. Now is the time to take action.
Aries in the Ninth House: New Adventures. New Learning. What are you ready for? Now is the time to take action and move forward. Whatever plans you set forth today will mean a great deal of healing for you. You are ready to be bold and adventurous in your pursuits. Go for it!
Aries in the Tenth House: Take action now towards your life's purpose. You are ready to move forward and be bold in your ambitions. The plans you're working on now have been building for lifetimes. You've been preparing for this and now it's go time. This will bring you healing. Don't think too much. Just go.
Aries in the Eleventh House: You are being called to move forward and take action on your hopes and wishes for the future. What are your dreams for yourself, your community or society at large? What kind of progress have you been hoping would come? Now is the time to take initiative towards that end. You are here for a greater purpose and that greater purpose requires movement. Whatever action you take now regarding society will help you heal from many lifetimes worth of pain. You are ready.
Aries in the Twelfth House: Pay attention to your intuition during this New Moon. She will you tell you everything you need to know. You are healing, but action is required in order for you to move forward. You are being called to go inward and then be bold. Don't be afraid of what you see. It is all coming up so that you may heal from many lifetimes worth of pain. You are ready.