Last Quarter Moon in Aquarius 🌗

What you want and what you need may tug at you differently during the Aquarius Last Quarter Moon. Take a bath in a bed full of roses or gather some friends to figure out how to start an off the grid community? A Taurus Sun and an Aquarian Moon have very different ideas about how they should be using their time. And neither one of them will ever give up on their idea of perfection.

What you need to do is figure out what’s truly best for you in the midst of all those countering thoughts. Ultimately, what Aquarius wants is to create vision for the future. And the Moon will be nipping at your emotions asking you to dive into that too. So ask yourself where are your emotions taking you? Think about how they’re helping you see a new perspective for the future. What area of life is it in? Although Taurus Season may have you seeking comfort and luxury right now, you may want to feel into those lingering questions from the Aquarian Moon too.

But don’t ignore Taurus altogether. Her lesson is important right now as well and will be with us until mid-May. Taurus Season is a time that lies within the thick of Spring. Taurus, more so than any other sign, loves Mama Earth. She is, in fact, an Earth Goddess. Long flowing dresses with luxurious fabrics, a flower crown and a comfortable spot under a tree while the birds sing in the background are her idea of heaven. Aquarius on the other hand, is not of this world. She imagines a future that seems impossible to everyone but her. She gathers, she envisions, she rebels against the norm. She does everything she can to be different and create vision for all who will listen. And here you see the juxtaposition of these two Fixed signs. They may create a disharmony during the Last Quarter Moon, but rest assured, it is all for your benefit.

The thing about Aquarius is that she’s always challenges the status quo. She is a humanitarian, a visionary and a rebel. Her symbol is the Water Bearer because of her humanitarian efforts. Many think she is a Water sign, but she is in fact an Air sign. Edgy, aloof and rebellious, she will never feel comfortable doing normal things.

And although she brings us challenges and disharmony during this Last Quarter Moon, she also brings us wisdom and perspective. When our minds collide with ideas that are as diametrically opposed as a Taurus Sun and an Aquarius Moon, is often when genius is found. These days are here to guide you. To help you see things from a new angle and solve problems that just need a small tweak. They often appear as complications at first, but if we listen very closely, it won’t be hard to see the blessing and learn how the Moon and the Sun are always here supporting us and guiding us on our way.


New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus🌙


Full Moon in Libra 🌕