New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus🌙
We are steeped in Taurus Season right now. At the time of the New Moon Solar Eclipse, which is happening on Saturday, April 30th at 1:28 pm PT, we’ll have a Taurus New Moon, Taurus Sun, Taurus North Node, Taurus Uranus and a Taurus Solar Eclipse. That is some major Taurus energy and the question it makes me ask is, what does all of that mean? What message does the universe wish for us to know right now? I think it’ll hit differently for everyone…but there is a message for us collectively. I believe that message, right now, is that we need to calm down. We need to get grounded, adorn ourselves and do things that make us feel good. That’s what Taurus is all about. She is the Springtime Goddess. She moves slowly and brings peaceful energy. She is the remedy for all the fire we had during Aries Season. She says to us that she is so proud of us for all the work we did in early Spring, but now, our souls needs some calming self care. Breath she says. That fiery energy can’t last forever.
And although Taurus energy is very heightened right now with the Sun and Moon both residing there, this is actually a message we’re supposed to be carrying with us for the next year or so. The Lunar North Node moved into Taurus in January of this year and will be there until July 2023. The Lunar North Node represents our direction. Where we are supposed to be headed. There are many differing opinions about this, but my personal belief is that the Nodes anchor everything that is happening astrologically. She is our compass and the other planets are like islands, each represents different parts of the our collective psyche. And right now, until July 2023, our collective compass guides us towards all things Taurus.
I’ll get into some details below about New Moon Intentions and a Ritual you can do during the Eclipse, but before I get to that, I want to chat specifically about the Lunar Nodes, Taurus and how you can personally figure out how it all relates to you!
Are the Lunar Nodes related to the Eclipse?
Yes! In fact they are! It’s no coincidence that the Lunar Nodes, New Moon (and Full Moon) all fall into signs relating to the Lunar Nodes. In two weeks, when we have the Lunar Eclipse, it will be in Taurus’ opposite sign (also the current South Node) of Scorpio. Eclipse Season always has the same signs as either the current, outgoing or incoming Lunar Nodes. There are a lot of Astrologers out there with differing views of what Eclipses mean, but to me, they are sign to pay attention. It’s like a little love note from the Universe saying, “Hey, I know you’ve got things going on…but seriously, this is important and I need you to pay attention”. My personal belief is that it’s a massive amplification of the energy any New or Full Moon would carry anyway. It’s a stop and take notice kind of message. Many Astrologers also say that it marks beginnings and endings. I haven’t been studying this long enough to know if I agree with that or not, but my gut instinct is that, yes, that’s also true. The Nodes themselves mark beginnings and endings and there are many cycles within the signs and planets. It only seems natural that this would mark one too. I definitely plan on journaling about my experience with this Taurus New Moon Eclipse and am looking forward to comparing it to the energy I’m feeling during the rest of these Taurus/Scorpio Eclipses within the next couple of years.
How to Embody Taurus Season
So what does all of this Taurus energy actually mean for us? How do we know how we’re each individually meant to embody Taurus? That is a question only you can answer, but I want to give you some tips to help you figure it out based on your Natal Chart. You’ll need a copy of your Natal Chart, so if you don’t already have one, go on over to and you can grab a free copy.
Sun, Moon, Rising in Taurus: If you have Taurus in either your Sun, Moon or Rising, than you likely already know that Taurus plays a big role in your life.
If you are a Taurus Sun, Taurus is a part of your life force here on Earth. She represents your ego and your soul purpose. She represents you, to the core of your being. You probably already know how much you adore luxurious fabrics, good self care and feeling like a million bucks. Now more than ever, make sure that you do everything in your power to help yourself feel that way. If you don’t have the money to support that kind of lifestyle, than find little ways to pamper yourself. You know what feels good to you. Find those things and do them.
If you are a Taurus Moon, than Taurus informs how you handle your emotions. You probably still love all the luxurious things in life, but you may not be quite so keenly aware of it as a Taurus Sun would be. But emotionally, you need it. You need to feel good! You need for your emotions to be loved on and felt as if they are sacred and worthy. If you’re not already aware of the things that make you feel luxurious and special, do some journaling so you can get to the bottom of it. This exercise could truly be life changing for you.
If your Rising in in Taurus, than people probably know you as someone who takes good care of themselves. You may even be seen as a Goddess of types because you truly enjoy the process of taking care of yourself and showing that process off to the world. You know what makes you feel good. Keep on going and maybe take some extra time for even more self care than usual.
North/South Node in Taurus:
If your North Node is in Taurus, than you are supposed to head towards Taurus in this lifetime. It’s part of your life purpose. You came into this world with Taurus locked inside of you wanting to burst at the seams. But it’s not that easy. You have to figure this one out on your own. If you have Taurus in other key places in your chart, than it may be easier than if you don’t. But regardless, it’s a challenging process. More than any of these other placements, I say to you, that this time is extremely important for you. The Nodes are a tricky thing, because unlike Saturn, they will not force you to follow them. If you say no to your North Node, nothing will happen. You will keep going on. But there will always be an unmet urge within you. And you’ll just have to do the Taurus North Node again in the next life. You embodied low vibe Scorpio energy in many of your last lives and you came into this life to remedy that. That’s why you are called to Taurus. It may feel weird or off to you, but if you can figure out how to embody your Taurus, it will change everything for you. If you’re not already familiar with Taurus, start researching her now and find some Taurus friends. They’ll be happy to share their ways with you.
If your South Node is in Taurus, than that’s where you come from in your most prominent past lives. And I’m sorry to say it, but you didn’t really do it well. That’s why it’s showing up in your chart. But you’ve learned since then and you know how to do it better. For you, I think embodying Taurus isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but just keep in mind that the opposite of Taurus (Scorpio) is what you need to learn to embody more. But don’t worry, there will be plenty of opportunities to embody Scorpio coming up soon, including the Scorpio Full Moon in two weeks. My best advice would be to do some work on embodying Taurus, but also starting learning more about Scorpio. You’ll want to learn to find the balance between the two. Find your inner Goddess. Both Taurus and Scorpio represents Goddesses…they just do it in very different ways. Think Earthly Springtime Goddess for Taurus and Underworld Fall Goddess for Scorpio. Both sensual and lovely, but their desires come from completely different places.
Sun or Moon is in the Second House: If your Natal Sun or Moon, fall within the 2nd House, than you naturally have an affinity for all things Taurus. It’s not necessarily who you are, but more where or in what parts of life are most important to you. The 2nd House represents your worth (both mental and financial), your safety and your values. Your worthiness is a crucial part of who you are. You may be blessed in worth or have challenges with it, but regardless, it’s something that’s important to you. Take some time to assess how you’re feeling as far as self worth (again both financially and mentally) and if you’re having any feelings of not feeling safe. Journal on it and ask yourself what you can do to improve these situations if they’re not where you want them to be. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Taurus season will be an incredible time to set a New Moon Intention around any of these things.
Misc. Planets in Taurus: You can also check your Natal Chart to see if you have any planets in Taurus. We’ve already talked about the Sun, Moon and Rising, which are traditionally the most important pieces in Astrology, but the other planets are important too. In particular, look for Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. The other planets, Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are more generational planets, so their impact is less. I won’t go into the details of what Taurus means in each sign, but I definitely recommend Googling it so you can gain a greater understanding. For added info, also Google which house they’re in. For instance, if your Mercury is in Taurus in the 3rd House, you would simply Google exactly that…Mercury in Taurus in the 3rd House.
Where does Taurus reside for you?: Lastly, even if you didn’t have any prominent placements for Taurus, you do still have Taurus in your Chart…I promise! Everyone has all 12 Signs and all 12 Houses in their charts. You just might not have any planets there, but they’re still there. So when you’re trying to figure out how you embody Taurus, it’s helpful to know which House Taurus resides in for you. When planets move through Taurus, you’ll feel the planet’s energy via a Taurus lens. For instance, when the Moon moves through Taurus, the House it falls in for you, is how you’ll feel the Moon. Once you locate where Taurus sits for you, just Google that placement and it’ll give you some insight. For instance, if you find that Taurus resides in your 10th House, Google “Taurus in the 10th house”. More often than not, each sign will likely reside in 2 houses, so you can look up each.
Scorpio South Node
We’ve talked a lot about Taurus (as we should), but this discussion wouldn’t be complete without also talking about Scorpio. Scorpio is the opposite sign to Taurus. In Astrology, we often look to the opposite sign for resolutions. The South Node represents where we are coming from. Our past so to speak. If we are working on embodying our Taurus energy, than that means we’re also working on moving away from Scorpio energy. I want to be very clear here. This DOES NOT mean that we are abandoning Scorpio. It simply means that we are collectively working on moving away from some of the more low vibe Scorpio characteristics. Anytime we talk about Nodes, the ideal is actually to find a balance between both the North and the South Node. In this instance, it would mean finding a balance between Taurus and Scorpio. And the best way to strike a balance when you’ve gone too far one way, is to lean into the opposite. Which is why we aim to move towards Taurus.
Setting your New Moon Intention
Now that you have a better understanding of how Taurus relates to you, you’ll want to figure out a good New Moon Intention that uses the Taurus energy well. If you already have something in mind and it doesn’t necessarily relate to Taurus, I’d say still go with it, but maybe see if you can tie Taurus in somehow. Otherwise, I’d recommend journaling to help you figure out what kind of Intention to set.
My best advice is to start writing. Write about how you feel Taurus relates to you personally and go from there. Remember, Taurus is all about feeling good, so the biggest question you can ask is, what would make me feel really good in the future? Or how can I feel more worthy?
I would also take a look and see which House the New Moon will be in for you so help set the Intention as well. For instance, if Taurus is in your 4th House, than you’ll likely want to set an Intention around something having to do with your home/family life or maybe root chakra type issues. A quick Google search will give you a great rundown of what each of the Houses mean. If you’re a part of our Moon Flow Membership, than you will be broken down for you.
Lastly, make sure to write this one down. When the Full Moon in Taurus happens in 6 months, you’ll want look back on this New Moon Intention and see how far you’ve come. Remember, these Eclipses are all about cycles, so there will likely be a connection between those 2 moments for you.
New Moon Ritual
If you’d like to do a New Moon Ceremony, here are some tips to help you set the perfect space
Include the element of Earth since Taurus is an Earth Sign (a crystal is perfect…especially one that’s very beautiful or makes you feel good)
Prepare your Intention and write it down
Put on some clothes that you feel amazing. Think Goddess vibes.
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed and adorn it with anything that makes it feel luxurious.
Close your eyes and take some time to bring yourself to a meditative state
Once you’re there, begin imagining yourself fully embodying whatever your Intention is. How do you feel? What do things smell like? Who are you with? Just allow yourself to be fully present in that moment and feel into everything. Taurus is all about grounding and being present, so do your best to stay in the moment.
Once you feel as if you’ve fully embodied how this Intention will feel, slowly open your eyes.
Take the piece of paper you’ve written on and keep it somewhere close to you for a few days (perhaps your bra) and then put it somewhere where you’ll continue seeing it throughout the lunar cycle.