Full Moon in Scorpio 🌕
This Moon is beautiful and intense. Raw and real. Scorpio Moons always bring out the depths within us. I was born under a Scorpio Moon, which in traditional astrology, is the worst placement for the Moon. And, I’ll admit it…a Scorpio Moon has it’s challenges, but I’m here to set the record straight about this moon. It is nothing to be afraid of. Intense, yes. But intensity does NOT equal bad. Intensity means intensity. Can it feel bad? Yes. Can it feel good? Yes. Can it feel both at the same time? Yes! I’m here for that. The middle land of good and bad and everything in between. What would life be like if we never dealt with death, hardship or pain? We would never know true joy. We would never create the deepest of bonds with others. That intensity leads to the best stuff in life. And that is what Scorpio is here to teach us. That’s the land I love to live in. And here we have our introduction into the Scorpio Full Moon.
Ask yourself…do you feel comfortable with intensity? Do you understand and apply boundaries? For so many people, the answer is no. And so they don’t feel safe enough to go into the depths and feel the intimacy. High vibe Scorpio can go deep because it understands boundaries. When you know where your limits are and you feel safe to say no, you can go as deep as you want. But as a collective, we’re bad at this. And even though I’m a Scorpio Moon, I’m really bad at this too. I’ve always craved the intensity, but I never understood boundaries. Even if I had understood them from a young age, I’m not sure I would have felt safe enough to enact them. This is the crux of the problem for many people individually and also for all of us as a whole. Scorpio tries to dig into our souls and bring out the depths, but it makes us feel unsafe, so we fight it. And thus the endless cycle continues. But does it have to?
Let’s change this idea that the Scorpio Moon equals craziness. Instead, let’s allow the depths. What would happen if we just allowed it. I’ve spent too much of my life trying to cover up my Scorpio Moon because the people around me didn’t understand it. I’m done with that. Actually, it’s more like, I’m working on being done with that. But, me aside, imagine what would happen if we actually just decided to allow the intensity when she came around. If we understood our own depths and felt safe enough to communicate our boundaries. What kinds of bonds would you forge? What kind of barriers would you break? What kind of healing would take place in this world if we all just allowed it, instead of saying it’s uncomfortable and wanting it go away. Easier said than done, I know better than most, but that doesn’t mean it’s not possible.
Taurus sits in direct opposition from Scorpio. Two signs diametrically opposed, who create such incredible beauty when they meet in the middle. Taurus represents simplicity, slowness, beauty, self care and worthiness. Simplicity versus intensity. You cannot have one without the other. We cannot be simple all the time. And we cannot be intense all the time. There is a balance and a beauty between the Two. Ying and Yang. The Sun still shines bright in Taurus and will illuminate this Full Moon in Scorpio. The luxurious, Springtime Taurus Goddess and the sultry, Autumn Scorpio Goddess. The Goddess of the flowers and the Goddess of the roots. You cannot have one without the other. So let’s allow both.
So ask yourself, will you allow the depths? The intensity, the sultry and the trust that comes along with a big, beautiful Scorpio Full Moon. My guess is that if you fight her and try not to allow her to enter your life, it’ll just make it harder. So, make the decision to allow. Ask yourself what work you need to do to set up your boundaries and feel safe. If you’re familiar at all with your chart, I’d recommend taking a peek at it and seeing if either Scorpio or Taurus have a large presence for you. If they do, I would guess this time will be even more impactful.
Tips for a Scorpio Full Moon Ritual
This will be a great time to spend time with others who you trust deeply. Find some friends who you would trust your life with and then get ready to bear your soul with them.
Include the element of Water since Scorpio is a Water Sign (some water, tea or taking a bath would be perfect)
Include the element of Earth since Taurus is a an Earth Sign (a crystal or rock is ideal)
Think about an area of your life where you need some healing. Write down some thoughts and get ready to share them with your friends. Remember, honesty is really important here.
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed
Begin with an opening meditation. You can begin with these words: “I ask to receive healing. I am ready to move on in my life healed from the pain ______ has caused me. I am here, I am open and I am ready for this change. I am calling upon my Angels (or Source, the Universe, etc) to see me through this transition.” Then allow for a few moments of silence with your eyes closed while you reflect and allow yourself to imagine what your life will look like once you’ve healed from this pain.
If you are with others, have each person share what they’re ready to heal and then just talk. Just allow the feelings to come up. Support eachother. Cry together. Get intense. Get angry if needed. And support your friends in whatever feelings are coming up for them.
Do a closing prayer, acknowledging your gratitude for your Angels (or Source, Universe, etc.) and for the friends who supporting you during the ceremony.