Welcome to Aries Season 🌞♈

The first sign of Spring and the Astrological year. The sign of Aries gives us life. Aries is able to heat up so intensely that it births flowers & leaves, fruits & vegetables as well as conscious life too. Imagine the kind of heat it takes to create all of that. Passionate, raw, fiery. All fire signs have that kind of vibrant energy, but Aries in particular is our vital life force.

Aries represents the archetype of the warrior. It is the fighter within each of us that is willing to standup and fight for what they know is right. Aries is competitive, courageous, passionate and physical.

During Pisces season we were asked to rest. Now in Aries season, we are asked to awaken! Awaken our souls, our bodies and our minds. Pisces wrapped up our story from the prior astrological year and now it is the job of Aries to bring life to a new story. All of a sudden everything feels alive! The only question is how we channel that energy.

FREE Guide to Aries Season

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    Aries is a Cardinal Fire sign. Cardinal because they are initiators. Fire because they bring life and passion to everything they touch. You can instantly imagine the kind of power this creates. Raw, unadulterated energy that sparks action, courage and movement. Aries energy is what gets your heart racing. They love any kind of physical movement, but especially when it involves fast spurts of energy and intensity. In fact, it’s vital that anyone with strong Aries in their chart finds some kind of outlet for all that energy, whether it’s physical, mental or otherwise, they must in some way, embody the archetype of the warrior. They may find themselves fighting battles in the courtroom, corporate world or in social justice. If they’re not able to find a path towards their inner warrior, they may end up engaging in fruitless battles at home. Or even worse, giving up on life and allowing boredom to overtake them. Aries is known as a selfish sign and it is, but doesn’t the flower need to be selfish to bloom? It’s important that Aries learns to think of others too, but their selfishness is also a necessity for them. The same could be said of their anger. Anger is an emotion and it’s one that we all feel from time to time. Aries just may feel it more intensely or with more regularity…especially if they don’t have other outlets. Another thing about Aries is that they operate from their gut. There is really no thinking involved in the purest form of Aries energy. There is only fire and then life. Aries people are known to have some of the best instincts around.

    If you’re ready to work with the energy of Aries this season, click HERE to grab my free guide that’ll walk you through exactly how to do it!

    Ways to embody Aries Season:

    • Get your heart pumping

    • Start a new project

    • Light a fire

    • Do the things that scare you

    • Do something that lights you up

    • Challenge yourself

    • Put yourself first

    • Get on the ground the wrestle with friends

    • Run…as fast as you can!

    • Get a punching bag and go to town with it

    • Take up space

    • Learn to get in touch with your life force

    Aries Season Health Tips:

    Aries rules our head and our adrenals. It’s important that Aries people get their adrenaline going consistently or they could end up with health issues

    • Aries exercises:

      • Sprinting

      • HIIT workouts

      • Cross Fit

      • Kickboxing

      • Boxing

      • Fencing

      • Wrestling

      • Karate

      • Vinyasa Yoga

      • Salsa or other fast paced Dance

    • Make sure to eat enough protein to nourish all that energy

    • Eat plenty of “brain foods”, such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, berries and eggs

    *Check out the book “Body Astrology” by Claire Gallagher for more in depth health info on each sign and planet

    Aries Seasonal Food (varies by region)

    • Apricots

    • Artichokes

    • Asparagus

    • Avocados

    • Beets

    • Broccoli

    • Brussels sprouts

    • Cabbage

    • Carrots

    • Cauliflower

    • Celery

    • Chard

    • Cherimoyas

    • Chives

    • Cilantro

    • Citrus

    • Collard Greens

    • Green Beans

    • Green Onions

    • Guava

    • Kale

    • Kiwi

    • Kumquats

    • Lettuce

    • Parsley

    • Peas

    • Potatoes

    • Radishes

    • Rhubarb

    • Snap Peas

    • Snow Peas

    • Spinach

    • Strawberries

    • Turnips

    *Go to https://www.seasonalfoodguide.org/ for a more complete list for your area

    Click the button below to subscribe and get your FREE workbook about Aries Season. Learn to uncover Aries energy in your Chart. Get rundowns about all the transits this Aries Season. Complete with ideas, explanations and space for you to journal or jot down notes!


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