Full Moon in Libra 🌕
The Libra Full Moon seeks to remind us that amidst all the energy, new beginnings, power and passion of the Aries Sun, we must also find balance. Here, we are faced with the opposing views of Me versus We. The Warrior versus the Peacemaker. Aries asks us to be selfish and move forward with everything we have. We tend to think of selfish as a bad word (and it can be), but sometimes the very thing we need is to be selfish in order to get started. After all, if we are always trying to seek balance, we will find ourselves never striving for greatness. The flower will never bloom. The Bear will never wake. Spring will never arrive. But she does. She must be selfish for a time, and then she must return to balance. Both are necessary. So after all this Aries energy, we find ourselves with the Libra Full Moon asking us to come back to balance, beauty and harmony. This is the lesson Libra provides us with.
Full Moons are always a time for releasing. The Moon and Sun are opposite each other and provide us with a perspective that can only be gained from the beauty that comes from the meeting of the two. These opposite energies give us a big, beautiful Full Moon who is radiating in all her glory. She builds up to that energy and then begins to release. And she asks us to release with her.
The Libra Full Moon will be here Saturday afternoon at 11:55 am PT, and she will have some powerful energies working with her giving us an opportunity to reach a new level of harmony and balance in our lives. Aries Season gave us energy for new beginnings. The First Quarter Moon in Cancer asked us to slow down. Now this Full Moon in Libra is asking us to seek balance. This is a journey that Mother Earth takes us through every new Spring. But this year, she’s giving us some extra tools and guidance to help us along our path.
Collectively, our higher consciousness will be much more accessible to us. With Jupiter and Neptune in a tight Conjunction, we are given the ability to tap into higher energies very easily. And…we will have Mars and Saturn providing us with a certain kind of ease in our power and discipline. The only thing that may feel challenging during this time is that the Moon will be Squaring Pluto, which means we may find ourselves feeling sad or withdrawn at certain moments. Any challenges that pop up, you should take as clues that are actually allowing you to see things differently. If it’s not making sense, tap into that higher consciousness I mentioned above and see if you can find some perspective there. It may all be part of your personal journey towards harmony.
Take this time to ask yourself the following questions:
In what area of my life do I need to seek balance?
What does the meeting point between warrior and peacemaker look like to me?
What can I do to bring more beauty into my life?
How to do a Full Moon Ritual
This will be a beautiful Moon to do a Full Moon Ceremony with. You can do it solo or with friends. It’ll be especially impactful to do it with those closest to you. You may even want to grab your partner and ask them to join you because Libra is all about partnership and harmony. The Moon will be at her fullest at 26 degrees on Saturday, April 16th at 11:55 am PT. Any time Friday and most of the day on Saturday would be ideal for your Moon Ritual. Moon Rituals are absolutely still very potent on the day before and the day after the Full Moon.
Include the element of Air since Libra is an Air Sign (you can include Air by doing the Moon Ritual outdoors, having a feather or burning incense, etc.)
Include the element of Fire since Aries is a Fire Sign (a candle is ideal)
Prepare something that you’d like to release and write it down (see below Moon Insights for recommendations based on your personal chart)
Find a safe way that you can burn your paper. It can be in firepit or a large non-flammable bowl, etc.
Find a peaceful spot where you won’t be disturbed
Begin with an opening meditation. You can begin with these words: “I ask to release (_______). I am ready to move on without this in my life and I call forward a new reality where I am able to find more balance and harmony in my life. I am here, I am open and I am ready for this change. I am calling upon my Angels (or Source, the Universe, etc) to see me through this transition.” Then allow for a few moments of silence with your eyes closed while you reflect and allow yourself to imagine what your life will look like once you release what you’ve written down.
If you are with others, have each person repeat this and share what they are releasing. After each statement is made, it is vital that the others present acknowledge what has been said and show their support and love for the person making the statement.
After the meditation and support statements are complete, have each person burn their slip of paper
After each paper has finished burning, everyone should say aloud “And so it is”.
Do a closing prayer, acknowledging your gratitude for your Angels (or Source, Universe, etc.) and for the friends who supporting you during the ceremony.
How does the Libra Full Moon relate to me?
Depending on the placement of Libra in your Natal Chart, there is an easy way to see specifically which area of your life this Moon will be affecting. If you have a copy of your Natal Chart, look to see which House Libra sits in for you at 26 degrees. Then take a peak at the descriptions below to see which one matches your chart! You can grab a free copy of your chart at Astro.com.
If you’re already a member of our Moon Flow Membership, you can grab your insights now! If you’re not yet a Member and want more info, click HERE to get signed up or get all the details. Our Membership seeks to help you learn how to flow with the Moon, uncover how all her cycles relate to you and begin living in harmony with Mother Earth.
Personalized Moon Insights for the Full Moon in Libra
Libra in the First House: This Full Moon is asking you to release something that has been hindering you from feeling like you can be fully you! Harmony, balance and beauty are all things that are incredibly important to you. What has been standing in your way of feeling those things? What has been standing in the way of you feeling like yourself, either in your mind or your body? It's time to release it. You are ready.
Libra in the Second House: Friend. It's time to feel in balance again. You are worthy of all the beauty and harmony that is meant to be in your life, but something has been holding back from feeling worthy of it? What is it? What can you release that will help you feel worthy again? This can mean self worth or financial worth. What is the most out of balance? Tap into the higher consciousness available to you right now and find what you need to release.
Libra in the Third House: This Full Moon is asking you to release something that's been getting in the way of how you think or communicate. Ask yourself what has felt out of balance there? Have you felt that conversations have been one sided? Or maybe your thoughts have been so busy thinking about one aspect of your life, you've neglected other areas of your life. Now is the time to bring it all back into balance.
Libra in the Fourth House: It's time to release the things that have been in your way of achieving balance and harmony within your home. This may mean your actual home or maybe your family life. What has felt out of balance and what can you release to bring it back into harmony? You are someone who cares deeply about balance within home, so getting to this point will feel like a massive weight off your shoulders.
Libra in the Fifth House: You are here on this earth to be seen! But something has been holding you back from being fully seen the way you want. This may mean you need to be more courageous or possibly just get out there and have some fun and find a way to get noticed. Something is out of sync for you. Now is the time to find what this is and release it. It's time to shine baby!
Libra in the Sixth House: This Full Moon wants you to bring your daily habits back into balance. You are someone who thrives when your daily habits, self care and care of others is all in check. Now is the time to ask yourself if any of those things have fallen by the wayside. What can you bring back into balance to help you feel more in harmony?
Libra in the Seventh House: This Full Moon wants you to release something that's been getting in the way of harmony within your partnerships. This could mean romantic, business, friends or otherwise. What has felt out of balance in this area of your life? The Moon supports you right now in releasing this imbalance and being able to move forward with more fulfilled relationships.
Libra in the Eighth House: This Full Moon supports you in your rebalancing of trust or intimacy in your life. Something has been out of harmony and it's now time to rebuild the trust and get back to balance. This could mean trust between you and other people. Or perhaps even you trusting yourself by allowing for the deep inner trust that comes naturally to you. The Moon is asking you release what is holding you back from this balance in your life.
Libra in the Ninth House: You're the type of person who seeks to find balance within your understanding of various belief systems, ideologies, cultures and philosophies. You’ve been struggling to understand this world and find that beauty and harmony that you always seek. Tap into the higher energy available during this Full Moon and uncover what you need to release to bring your mind back into balance. The larger picture is available to you during this time.
Libra in the Tenth House: This Full Moon is asking you to review your goals or life's purpose and make sure they are in harmony with what you really want out of life right now. There is likely something out of balance that is preventing you from actually getting to where you need to go. Find what is causing disharmony and release it. You are ready to move forward with your plans.
Libra in the Eleventh House: This Full Moon is asking you to look at your hopes and wishes for the future. Not just for you personally, but also for society. Where do you see this world going and what part do you play in making it what it is? You are someone who believes there should be a certain type of beauty and harmony in society, but if you're going to contribute the way you want, you'll need to release something first. This Full Moon is here to support you in doing just that.
Libra in the Twelfth House: During this Full Moon, you will have a unique opportunity to tap into your higher self. There has been something in your way blocking you from being able to fully tap into all the subtle energies around you, but you are now ready to release this. Take some time during this Full Moon to sit by yourself and find what this is. And then, let it go. You are supported right now in ending this cycle and moving forward.