How to Embody your Inner Aquarius ✌
We enter Aquarius Season on Thursday, February 20th. What a fun and original sign it is. After all the work of Capricorn, it’s nice to bring some wild energy to our lives. And that’s just what Aquarians are known for. They are the rebels of the Zodiac. And right now, we could all use a little fun, don’t ya think?
We’ve been planning for the year ahead and now Aquarius is here to remind us that we must continue to be forward focused. But, they also want us to know that it’s time to bring in some new, fresh (and maybe crazy) ideas! This is true now, more than ever. We are still living in a world where we truly don’t know what is coming next. If there is any sign that is okay with this, it’s gotta be Aquarius.
So here find ourselves in the middle of Winter…in 2022 of all years. We’ve been trying to live in all that grounded Capricorn energy this last month and doing our best to prepare for the unknown, but now it’s time to break free. Aquarius is a Fixed Air sign. Stubborn and definitely not grounded. They see a world that isn’t yet possible and there’s no convincing them otherwise that it can’t happen. They are the ones who are here to envision the new age.
They love people and are always trying to learn more about how others think. And they, themselves, never stop thinking…as is true for all Air signs. Their mind goes a mile a minute trying to figure out how they can either create, be rebellious or just have fun!
If you know any Aquarians, than you know that they are the kindest people you will meet, but also perhaps a bit off their rocker…and they simply do not care! In fact, they relish it! They want to be original, rebellious…and mostly, they want to be authentic. They want to be the person they were put on this earth to be and they don’t let anyone’s opinion get in their way. And damn…ain’t that a thing of beauty!
And although you may not feel too much like an Aquarius…rest assured, the energy is there for you. We all have all 12 signs within us. It’s just a matter of bringing them out. Aquarian energy will be at it’s peak on February 1st with the Aquarius New Moon, where we’ll be called to bring out some authenticity and the rebel/humanitarian within us all.
Here are some fun ideas to help you bring in that wild Aquarian energy:
Review the plans you made during Capricorn season and spice ‘em up!
Create something. Anything.
Be adventurous
Get a tattoo or a piercing
Make new friends
Learn a new skill
Go back to your veggie garden plans, but with that Aquarian Inventor’s eye
Take up macramé
Dive into Astrology
Make a lunch date with your most eclectic friend
Read or watch some Oprah (one of the most famous Aquarians)
Be You! Saved this for last cause it’s the most important. The most beautiful thing about Aquarians is their Authenticity. They are incredibly kind, but really, they don’t give an F what others think. Keep this at front of mind all month long and just watch how your world opens up ✌🏼
If you wanna eat like an Aquarian, here are some foods that are in Season right now. Now go do your best to find the most off the wall recipe you can…or better yet…create something of your own with these incredible foods! If you wanna get really specific to the Seasonal Foods in your area, this is a great resource:
Brussels sprouts
How do you plan on embodying Aquarius this Season?
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