This Cancer Full Moon says Let Go…and then Fulfil your Dreams

The Cancer Full Moon. What a beautiful time to reflect and release things that we’ve been holding onto. In fact, I think it’s quite the perfect time in our current circumstance we all find ourselves in. Cancer, the sign of the crab, is also known as the Mother. She wants to take care of those around her. And the Cancer Full Moon always finds herself in her full glory during Capricorn season. Many think of Capricorn as the Father. Capricorn and Cancer are opposing signs and whenever you have opposing signs, you always have some tension, but also a beautiful understanding in the middle. Both Cardinal sign (one starting off the season of Winter and the other the sign of Summer), they both know how to begin. They know it’s okay to start something new and that actually they’re darn good at starting new things. They flourish in the new. Like just a mother and a father would, they are always faced with new situations and handle them in stride and forge ahead. But their approaches are very different. Capricorn wants to create a plan and then goes straight to work, steadily and confidently. Cancer looks lovingly at new situations and uses her emotions to decide how to move forward. Their goals may be the same, but their ways of approaching it are so very different. And sometimes this is a beautiful symphony of connection and strength. Other things, they just simply cannot understand eachother.

So here we find ourselves in Capricorn season in the year 2022. The start of a new year, but one that we all approach with some trepidation. At this point, we’ve all come to expect the unknown and just move forward anyway. There’s a certain beauty in that, I suppose. But none the less, we are not sure how we are supposed to approach this year. Both Capricorn and Cancer are here to remind us that we are taken care of. Our Mother and our Father are looking over us and we are provided for. Both Capricorn and Cancer want us to forge ahead and create something new. The Capricorn Sun & New Moon wanted us to look ahead to the new year and begin planning and working quietly and surely. But what does the Cancer Full Moon ask of us? She asks us to approach this season with love. She asks us to release any ideas that are holding us back from creating our wildest dreams. To look at those dreams and the plans we’ve began with love. To look at them as a mother would and fill her child with confidence and reassurance that they can do anything. She would look deeply into her child’s eyes and see the fears that are in the way of creating these dreams and help them to release those fears and obstacles.

This is what the Cancer Full Moon asks of us. The question is, are able to do it? Are we able to find those fears and obstacles and then release them into the winds? This Full Moon is an important one. Not just for each individual, but also for us as a collective. None of us knows how to move forward. And yet so many are finding their ways, forging new paths. So many are part of the great resignation because they know there are brighter things ahead and so much more out there for them. But what do they have to release to achieve those things? Is it scary? Damn right it is. I think that as a collective, we are on a slow process towards learning to listen to our intuition again. We’ve been away from it for so long. Using our minds to solve all problems, but now we are going back. The reality is that our minds and our intuition are both so very important. The beauty is in the middle. The journey is how to get there. That’s the path we are on right now. We may sway too far in one direction at times, but we’ll get there.

During this Full Moon, ask yourself…what do you want? What do you want out of this great big life? Did you set plans at the New Year? Have you been daydreaming about a life that seems just slightly out of reach? What fear or obstacles are in your way of achieving all those things? This is what the the Cancer Full Moon is asking you to release. Now imagine for a second if every human on earth did just that. If they all truly released those things on the same day together…under that big, beautiful Cancer Full Moon. What do you think the world would look like? Can you imagine the incredible energy that we’d bring to this planet? I truly believe this is the path we are all on together. You may feel like a small cog in this big world, but your part is important and the energy you bring is important.

So on this upcoming Full Moon, which takes place on Monday, January 17th, what are you going to release? Whether you’re planning a Full Moon ritual or you’re just going to take 5 minutes to yourself to think and then jot down some ideas, just make sure to take some time to acknowledge this Moon. She is there for you. Supporting you and wants you to have everything you’ve ever dreamed of.


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