How do we bring Capricorn Season into the Here & Now?

The sign of Capricorn is represented by the Sea Goat, a mythical character that can climb to the top of the roughest and highest mountains and swim to the depths of the deepest sea. Capricorn is steadfast, strong and works incessantly without the need for applause. Capricorn knows the work to be done and knows that she has everything within her to do it.

Capricorn is a cardinal sign, which means that it is one of the 4 signs that happens on the first day of a new season. In Capricorn’s case, she welcomes in the season of Winter (unless you’re in the Southern Hemisphere, in which case, she welcomes Summer). This got me thinking. What lesson is Capricorn providing for us in how we are supposed to moving through the beginning of Winter? I believe deeply that we are not doing a great job of living in harmony with Mother Earth’s natural cycles and I yearn to find this balance, so I looked to Capricorn to discover how we should be living through the season.

Historically, Winter was a time of rest, but also some very difficult work. A time when the days were short and cold and we simply could not venture out into the world as much as other seasons. It was a time that you needed to prepare for. If you didn’t prepare well, you could very likely die. And so, it was a time when people would hunker down and rest and imagine what the world would look like once the Mother Earth awakened. We’ll hold off on the imagining part until later in the season with Aquarius and Pisces energy. Because for now, in Cap season, the work and the quiet takes precedence.

If we’ve done things right, we have mostly everything that we need inside our abodes, but that doesn’t mean that the work subsides. Instead, it is a quiet type of work. It’s Capricorn work. We tend to our homes (perhaps especially during the Cancer Full Moon that awaits) and work diligently and quietly with just those closest to us, making sure that we are fully prepared for the Winter ahead. If we do need to venture out, no one is better suited than the Capricorn. Pushing through the snow and doing work that would take only a fraction of the time during the Summer months. But we do the work in confidence knowing that we are capable and there are people depending on us.

That was then and this is now. We don’t have to do those things anymore. So what about our current way of living? Our days are still short and cold during the Winter season, but that really doesn’t phase most of us too much. We’ve built our lives to shield us from these things. We have roofs over our heads, lights and indoor heat. We’ve built our lives to be comfortable year round. And good for us! Why shouldn’t we? I mean, it’s pretty incredible what we’ve done! But built within all of these luxuries, we’re missing a certain…je ne sais quoi. We’ve made our lives specifically so that we can pretty much ignore Mother Nature’s natural cycles and cues. We’ve become completely out of line with what our bodies should be doing during these times of year and completely disconnected with the incredible harmony that our beautiful earth provides. And this lack of harmony, has caused our bodies, minds and souls to lack something that was intrinsically import to us. And it has also caused us to completely disrespect this planet and in turn create some massive problems for her.

The question I’ve been asking myself is what do we do now? How do we go back without going back? How do we move forward and learn to get back in sync with the Earth? After all, the vast majority of us are simply not going to choose to give up our electricity, refrigerators and iPhones. There are all kinds of answers out there about how we can better take care of ourselves and this planet. Everything from meditation, nature walks, eating a plant based diet, recycling, zero waste, planting trees and so much more! All of these things are incredible and we should absolutely be doing them. But I believe there is something we’re not paying nearly enough attention to that is truly at the root of all of it. And that is paying attention to Mother Nature’s natural cycles. Listening when she says it’s time to go inward or it’s time to harvest or it’s time to adventure. And this is why I love Astrology and why I’ve chosen this medium as the way forward for me. It provides us with the perfect framework for what mother nature intended. It gives us cycles, that if we’re listening, allow us to speed up when we’re meant to speed up and slow down when we’re meant to slow down.

Let’s talk about how we can embrace Capricorn in the here and now. Here are a few ideas:

  • Go to bed early

  • Eat foods specific to the Winter Season, such as Apples, Avocados, Bananas, Beets, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Celery, Collard Greens, Grapefruit, Herbs, Kale, Kiwifruit, Leeks, Lemons, Limes, Onions, Oranges, Parsnips, Pears, Pineapples, Potatoes, Pumpkin, Rutabagas, Sweet Potatoes & Yams, Swiss Chard, Turnips and Winter Squash

  • Create more opportunities for family bonding

  • Find tasks that you’ve been putting off for a while

  • Organize your home

  • New Years Intentions & Planning

  • Research things you’ve been wanting to dive into

  • Get some quiet time to yourself

  • Remember your Sagittarius dreams and take some time to plan them out, but with Capricorn energy

  • Reach out to friends and family and see if there is anyway you can support them

These are just a few of the ways you can embrace Capricorn season and start living by the ways nature intended. The best thing you can do, however, is really just to start. Begin by thinking about it and asking yourself daily what Mother Nature would ask of you today. So much of that may be dependent upon where you live and the weather happening that day. This is not a hard fast way of living. It’s truly all about living by the natural ebbs and flows, so keep that in mind and know it may change daily.

How are you working to live in alignment with Capricorn Season. Would love to hear what you’re doing below!!


This Cancer Full Moon says Let Go…and then Fulfil your Dreams