A Place to Live in Harmony with the Moon
Dive into a transformative healing experience with us, where the ancient wisdom of astrology merges seamlessly with the nurturing flows of Mother Earth. Our unique approach to astrology is deeply rooted in listening to the natural world, offering you a path to profound healing and personal evolution, one season and moon phase at a time.
Welcome to She Dances Under The Moon
“The Moon Flow membership has helped me re-establish my relationship with my own cycles. I’m more aware of how I change throughout the month, and how that change is supported by the planets. This membership has helped me release and grow into new awareness and ways of being”

My Story
Hi! I’m Suzanne. Just a mom looking for a way to live in harmony with Mother Earth during this crazy time we’re all living in. Astrology has been the best tool I’ve found to help me do this and I’ve made it my mission to help others do the same
For as long as I can remember, I’ve felt an urge to live in harmony with Mother Earth. I often joked that I just wanted to leave everything behind and find a place where I could live off the land, run wild and free and really feel the earth and her wisdom. And although I know there are people who make decisions to do that very thing, I didn’t feel it was a realistic option for me. I’m a wife and a mom of 3 and let’s face it, living off the land is a lot of work, which I wasn’t really sure I wanted. So I started to think about ways that I could do it, while still living in my little Suburban city with my iPhone, TV and indoor plumbing. And for me, Astrology has been the largest puzzle piece I’ve found that helps me to feel Mother Earth’s wisdom and callings.
It was a long journey for me to make my way to Astrology. My inner skeptic was always giving me reasons why I shouldn’t believe in it…let alone pursue it. I was someone who’d been pretty successful in life by consistently making responsible and logical choices. Always doing the “right thing” and what I thought was expected of me. You know…going to college, getting married, having kids. Astrology certainly didn’t seem like a logical choice or one that society would approve of. And so, I shied away from my inner woo for many years. Until I simply couldn’t anymore.

I began paying attention to the Moon and the Seasons and doing rituals at the Season changes and Moons cycles. Not every time, but when I felt called to it or when a friend wanted to do something together. We’d dig through the internet or Instagram and find a ritual that we could do in honor of whatever was happening at that time. I started doing Yoga and quickly realized how impactful it was for me. I began learning that Yoga is not just an exercise, but it’s a way of life. A way of life that connects your body, mind and soul to the earth and to Source. This was a profound revelation for me in how I could listen to Mother Earth and her callings.

Then the pandemic hit. It’s so weird to say, but from very early on, it felt like this was the moment I’d been waiting for my whole life. It felt like I was born for right now and that nothing else had mattered that I’d done before. It felt like Go Time. All of a sudden, we were being told to go out as little as possible and there were shortages everywhere. Which meant that we kinda had to live off our land. We’d long dreamed about getting a big plot of land that we could do this with, but it always seemed out of reach. But all of a sudden, it felt like our little slice of home needed to be turned into that farmhouse we’d dreamed about. Fortunately for us, we’d been thinking about it for a long time so we knew immediately a few changes we could make. And now, we had the time. We had time. The kids had no activities and my husband didn’t have to go to work. I know this was an incredibly difficult time for people all over the world and I don’t want to diminish that at all, but for us, it was one of the most beautiful times of our lives. We are a house full of homebodies so we were never lonely. It was an incredible bonding time for all of us.
We decided to get chickens, which before had seemed like a completely ridiculous thing to do, but all of a sudden, it didn’t seem so that way anymore. My husband and son removed vines that lined our backyard and we planted blackberries, raspberries, grapes and 2 apple trees. So if the markets ran out of food, we were set. We had our veggie garden, our berries and grapes, our apple, avocado and lemon trees and now eggs from our ladies. And of course, we had eachother. That was enough.
And then, at the beginning of 2021, my Grandmother, who had always studied Astrology, died and I swear to you, she started whispering in my ear incessantly about it. Suddenly, things just made sense to me that hadn’t before. I tore through Astrology books and eventually took classes through Debra Silverman. And I began to realize that the perfect framework for us to live in harmony with Mother Earth, had been in front of me all along. I learned how the Sun Signs line up perfect with each Season. The Cardinal sign always welcomes the season, the Fixed sign is in the middle of the season and the Mutable sign is the last sign, slowly changing things up before the next Cardinal sign takes over. I learned how the signs relate to eachother, acting as a beautiful symphony of the spectrum of human emotion and of the natural cycles of the earth. I learned how the Moon’s signs function as a whole different system within the seasons and the sun signs. It seemed to me that if you’re paying attention to those 3 things at all times, the season, the sun sign and the moon sign, that you’d automatically be tuned into the Earth and to yourself on a vastly deeper level than ever before.

I also began to learn more about my own personal cycles within my body. As women, we have another indicator guiding us each month. We’ve known for a long time that our own bodies and Menstrual cycles are also connected to the Moon and so I started pondering this connection even more. In truth, even though I was a mother to 3 children, I barely understood my cycle. I had a deep seated belief that it was something dirty and that I should be ashamed of it. I learned, however, that it’s one of our most powerful resources…if we’re tuned into it.
So all of this was floating around in my head and I knew I needed to put it together somehow. And most importantly, I knew I needed to begin journaling with the Moon’s cycles as this seemed the key to everything. Thus SheDancesUnderTheMoon was born. I created the Moon Journal for me, but I really think others are gonna love it too. In truth, the process of creating this website has helped me sync all this information together in the way that I always hoped I’d be able to. It feels like this is just the beginning of something massive. A new (but also old) way to approach life. And although I’ve been working on all of this for a long time, I still have a ways to go to truly live in harmony with Mother Earth. My hope is that you’ll join me and we can all learn to do it together.